Fueled by techno and immaculate rage

Jun 04, 2010 01:50

Hey there my fellow "cool, hip, with-it, compatriots. The Grymm wants to hunker down and "rap" with "youse" "all.

No. Seriously. I have some things to direct at my so-called creative peers out there. I say so-called, because if the following applies to you, then I'd feel ashamed to consider you a peer in the first place. But that's okay. You just don't know any better. Yet.

Let's get down to brass tacks shall we? If you're considering yourself an "artist" and you buy pens or markers or any other paraphernalia simply because they're the "manga version" of the product? Then fuck you.

Fuck you hard. With a petrified porcupine coated in goddamn lye. Slow and meticulously. Over and over again. Your blood and tears for lube. Inflicted upon you by a large sweaty that stinks of waste and boiling cabbage. Breathing heavy and coughing on you occasionally as you weep and quiver.

But there's another to blame. Yes. Fuck you makers of said products. Labeling a pen with "manga" means nothing. You can ink drawings with almost anything its just as good. The only thing that fucking matters is what tool feels right to the artist. Hell, some can ink with a simple BIC pen amazingly! BIC, gel pen, Micron, Prismacolor, Faber-Castell, Staedtler, technical pen, calligraphy pen, brush and ink well, squid excretions, your evil baby sister's liquid hate. Any of those have the potential to be what works best for you.

You wankers just want to snatch up anything even vaguely suggesting it has something to do with Japanese culture thinking it'll make you better. Come on! Stop. Think. Ponder. EXPERIMENT. Try out various tools. Keep trying various tools. Observe differences. Don't just stick to one thing because it wants you to believe that it fills a niche. Hell, that manga marker? Yeah. You're paying 3 times the amount for just a normal product with a fancy label. Because you're an ignorant douche. That ink is the same ink that can be found in god knows how many other products.

Here's a good example. Take some pens for example. Micron and Prismacolor both make pens. All the same sizes. All the same ink. They just package 'em in different ways and possibly have differing qualities of nibs. That's all. Copic pens are no better, yet the nibs for their brush pens are infinitely better than the ones offer by both Prismacolor and Micron. And when the ink runs out? You can keep using that pen. No, you don't even have to buy the refill. Get yourself an ink well and dip that son of a bitch. Works beautifully.

Don't do what everyone else does. Don't do it in the same fashion that everyone else does. Don't do what a company suggests. Blaze your own bloody goddamn way through the thick of it and be AWESOME. Ascend. Reach deep down inside yourself like some kind of freaky little physics defying bastard and pull something new out of yourself. Fist over slimy, bile encrusted fist. Make something that's your own.

I don't care if you think Dragonball Z is pretty. What the hell does it matter with Naruto is neat, One Piece is original and refreshing in style, or if Pokemon is oh so cute. Don't just imitate perpetually. No one gains anything by copying something that's already there. The originator is going to do it better than you. Take inspiration from it and cultivate YOUR style. Take the things you like and incorporate them into a style of your very own.

Also? I hope you fucking choke on your goddamn "How to Draw Manga" books. I really do. I bet it tastes like mediocrity and dirty money. Learn the basics of drawing a figure. THEN work on stylizing it. There are no shortcuts. Only practice. If you must buy a how to book. Buy something that covers actual anatomy and the way the human body moves. Otherwise, like I requested earlier, please choke on your manga how to's. At least then the art community will be rid of you AND other copy of ruined tree pulp.

This has been a mesage from your friendly neighborhood Grymm: Fueled by techno and immaculate bloody rage. You know you love it, baby. Let's rock 'til morning. Show the bastards how its done. Boo-fucking-yah.

manga, anime, kvetching, rant, rage, grymm, advice, hate, artists, how to, art, bitching

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