Our Hopes And Expectations

Mar 13, 2008 00:45

Hope for everything but expect nothing. A fine way to live no doubt, and no doubt I've done just that but oh how easy it is for one person to screw all of that up. Which is fine.  Because it only re-affirms why you lived that way in the first place. Sad policy for living I know, yet it works phenomonaly. The catch is you can't do it all by your ones-eez, friends are the key....like with most things. SO, as always they'll help me through and maybe...just maybe if I'm lucky I'll even be able to get in touch with the older ones. I've been meaning to see them after all but lacked the time. Oh yeah, that reminds me, if I'm so lucky as to make my way to Gainesville during this spring break, aside from seeing and staying with John I'll have to schedule something so's I can see Julie, but I lost her number so HEY in the event that you read this...drop me a line or something so I can see you when I get my ass up there! A'right? Damn!
As for hopes! Really now, I hope to get a job bar-tending and a motorcycle liscence soonish. MCC offers a class after-all, think I'll take it! And I'm fed-up waiting for Tyler Perry to get back from Italy...he was supposed to give me his guitar!!! I'll just go and buy one now, I reeeeeally want to play again! No time like the present, wish me luck!  
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