Nov 06, 2007 15:34
Just haven't been feeling very good today. I had a headache which wasn't really a migraine, but just a weird tension on top of my head... not that horrible, but just made me grumpy. Plus I've just been really tired all day. Not sure what's going on. I took vitamins this morning.. had breakfast, and I got a good 9 hours of sleep.
Who knows. Every now and then I get paranoid that I have some kind of brain tumor that's killing me. But I know I'm just being melodramatic. Or am I?
This semester is actually winding down, which is good and bad in many respects. I'll be glad to start my last semester because it means I can actually start applying for jobs/grad school. Right now I'm just researching, but can't really take much action because it's still a little early. Bad because I'm not necessarily determined on what exactly I want to do. But I have good options. Plus I have to work Jim into the equation somehow. Hehe.
Jim's going through a slight quarter-life crisis right now, trying to figure out what he wants to do after he graduates. We spent a good few weeks discussing, arguing, maybe even fighting about it just because I needed to get a grip on what was going through his head. Sometimes he's quite introverted about a few things and I just wanted to talk it out of him. Or maybe in some ways I wanted to pull some decisions or passions out of him. But I guess the root of the problem is that he doesn't really know exactly what he's passionate about. And I guess the thought of that is so frightening that he doesn't really want to think about it. It's kind of frustrating for me -- me and my anal, workaholic personality. But I've come to terms with it. I think I'm one of those people that just needs to really sit down and talk it out with people that I don't really understand (not that I don't understand Jim at all... in fact I think I know him better than he knows himself, although he would probably protest... because that's also a frightening thought.) But I know that I'm kind of odd in the way I handle things, so it takes me a while to be empathetic with others who don't function the same way.
All that was leading up to is that I've learned how to be both empathetic and sympathetic with his situation and to be "at peace" with it all. Not like it's a huge travesty... But instead of attacking him about it, I've learned to be more supportive and understanding.
But anyway, now his parents have been pestering him about the issue as well. Good, because, as he said, "Now I'm getting it from two sources, so there must be something wrong with me." Bad, because there's nothing wrong with him. He's acting like the average college student who's about to graduate does. But I suggested to him that that could be the problem. Since he's always been perceived by those who love him as exceptional, then seeing him unsure and in the same situation as other average people maybe be shocking, and again -- the word of today's post-- frightening.
Either way, we're both going through a transitional time right now and it's both exciting and crazy.
We've both been spending a lot of time outside lately... taking walks, sitting on the patio or by the pool for a chat. It's been nice. It helps me think better. Gives me peace of mind.
I've also been watching Bleach marathons like nobody's business. Can't decide whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
On the same note, Jim and I have been trying to decide which one of us is the nerdiest.
Current results: inconclusive.