Title: At Some Point
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pairing/Characters: Charlie/Colby (yay!), Don, Megan, David, Alan
Rating: K/PG
Summary: Only one thing matters. Drabble.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Season 4, Episode 1: Trust Metric
Notes: I recently got out of a 3 year writer's block and I'm still a little rusty. So, I've been contemplating a sequel to It Doesn't Matter for the past week and a half. All writers out there probably know what I mean when I say there was an idea bouncing around in my head, but just evasive enough to avoid being typed up. I had to use guerrilla warfare tactics…sneak in from behind and pounce! I know it's not as flow-y as the last one, but bear with me. Constructive criticism and comments in general would be appreciated!
Disclaimer: (Unfortunately,) I do not own these characters. Hehe, if I did they would spend their entire lives doing inappropriate things…*cough*. They are fictional creations from the creators, writers, producers, actors in, and anyone else related to the show Numb3rs.
At some point…
…people stopped staring when he walked into the bullpen. Never doubt that anonymity is a blessing
…Megan and David started smiling when they saw him. Never doubt that, though a pardon from the bureau is official, acceptance from your friends is what matters.
…Alan began calling him "son". Never doubt that one word can change everything.
…Don's murderous glares were replaced by understanding tones that brought him back, at little at a time. Never doubt that respect is a hard-earned treasure.
Charlie is what he needs, but that doesn't means he doesn't want (and can’t have) more.