Canada this wekend and my internet at home

Jul 12, 2004 09:57

Hey all,

This weekend has been helly busy. here is a recap:

Friday, I went to work as usual. I picked a bunch of my friends up and went back to my house and partied. Got drunk and passed out at about 3 am.

Saturday: Woke up around 8:30 in the morning. Just chilled around for a while then took a few people home. Went to the Puerto Recan Festival at the corner of my street and just chilled and ate good food. Went home and just goofed off with some games till 1 and went to sleep.

Sunday: Woke up at 6:30 and picked a few people up and then went to Geauga Lake. Had a good time, although I wasn't feeling good and I didn't feel like riding any rollercoasters. Just had fun. Got back around 9 and then took everyone home. Went to sleep around 12.

I'm at work asn I write this now because my internet is down. If you need to get ahold of me, my e-mail is in my profile.

I'll be going to canada (Cambridge, ON) and competing in Gr. 3 M/S/R. The band is not competing, and my best friend's g/f will be competing in highland dancing. We'll be there for awhile and If ou live near there, I NEED A DRINKING BUDDY!

Ok, that's all for now. I'm out like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. PeAcE!

The AxE Murderer
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