How grammatically correct are you? (Revised with answer key)
You are a MASTER of the English language!
Huzzah. While your English is not exactly perfect, you are still more grammatically correct than just about every American. Others admire the way you speak and could learn a lot from listening to you. Still, there is always room for improvement... Take this quiz!
Whoa, I thought I did really bad on this one ('cause I was confused a lot of the time xD;...I kept putting, "Either is acceptable" because they always both sounded right), but I guess not:
How grammatically correct are you? (Revised with answer key)
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!
Congratulations! If your mission in life is not already to preserve the English tongue, it should be. You can smell a grammatical inaccuracy from fifty yards. Your speech is revered by the underlings, though some may blaspheme and call you a snob. They're just jealous. Go out there and change the world. Take this quiz!
Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
Your in-depth results are:
Hufflepuff - 14
Ravenclaw - 13
Gryffindor - 11
Slytherin - 6
I was almost a Ravenclaw too :P You're more Slytherin-y than I am xD~
I don't see how any of the things I put down were remotely Slytherin-ish. Ah well DX...
Take these three and show me teh resultses:
Which RENT character are you?
How grammatically correct are you? (Revised with answer key)
You are a MASTER of the English language!
Huzzah. While your English is not exactly perfect, you are still more grammatically correct than just about every American. Others admire the way you speak and could learn a lot from listening to you. Still, there is always room for improvement...
Take this quiz!
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Whoa, I thought I did really bad on this one ('cause I was confused a lot of the time xD;...I kept putting, "Either is acceptable" because they always both sounded right), but I guess not:
How grammatically correct are you? (Revised with answer key)
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!
Congratulations! If your mission in life is not already to preserve the English tongue, it should be. You can smell a grammatical inaccuracy from fifty yards. Your speech is revered by the underlings, though some may blaspheme and call you a snob. They're just jealous. Go out there and change the world.
Take this quiz!
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Which RENT character are you?
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