Nov 11, 2007 20:20
I haven’t posted in a while. But no worries, not much to post. Things have been unremarkable as of late.
We’ve had the second fight this year in school this week. I didn’t see it, so I was bummed. Apparently a pill fell out of one of the brawler’s pockets so they cracked open his lockers and three bottles of meds. Dun-dun-dunnnn, so busted. The black plague that is MERSA or what have you has not besieged our school yet. Its kinda cool, to be honest; all dark agey. BURN THE BODIES, KILL THE SICK!!! Hehe. A kid in my third hour has come up with a quaint little solution to it; find out what percentage of the kids have it in other schools and kill that many in ours. It’s the rise of the germs. A variable bacterial Matrix if you will. We must mount a holocaust against them if we are to survive!
The flash drives I kept on a chain around my neck were stolen. A bloody shame really. Three hundred or so pages of schoolwork, a one hundred ten page story for English I was writing, and hundreds of pictures and art form studies gone and have yet to be recovered; if at all. Kind of a set back, all that schoolwork. Not to mention all the college info I had and the journal archive from all of you. “You should have had a backup” my friend says. Well, I sorta did- the second flash drive… on the same chain. How bumbling of me. Yes, a bloody flaming shame. Oh well, still chipper to be going to Florida in a few months. Rock on. And I learned a new word, Dapper. A fanciful of elegant man. Defiantly British in origin.
My parents are malcontent with our church or a few people in it; which worries me. I really don’t want to leave if it comes down to it. Wish me luck if you would be so kind. Wait; we dont do luck. Pray then =).