Sep 06, 2007 15:03
Well, it’s the third day of school, and it is as I predicted-- things are back on track. I’m happy to be "home", though the renovations are a bit disgruntling. They widened the cafeteria, doubling its floor space and adding two lunch lines. For the freshman, this is a good thing. But for any one who experienced the old cafeteria, its unwelcome. There is an exorbitant amount of space between the tables. Its isolating. That and the old cafeteria was darker, easier on the eyes, and all around more welcoming. The new one is antiseptic and cold. And it got rid of the commons >_<.
Other than that every thing is great. The wait for lunch has been reduced to five minutes tops from ten to fifteen. Something I was never expecting to see. When a freshman would ask how long the lunch lines were, the answer “it wrapped around the entire cafeteria” wasn’t an over statement. So that’s good. The extra lines also employ more workers, which in times like this is a huge plus. I’m digging my world history class. The teacher was a player in the NFL for four weeks or so then got booted for some one else. So he was technically a pro with the pig skin. He looks it. Don’t think any one will mess with him 0.o
Physics is a bit difficult. Not because of the math and all that-- that’s simple enough. The teacher seems a bit hurried. Whizzing through the subjects without much-needed explanations and rapid subject changes make things hard to keep up with. Maybe I’ll do what every nerdy student does and bring in a tape recorder. Not because his lectures are of any particular interest to me, but because I need to listen to him thee or four times to stitch together what he’s actually getting at. He’s a cool guy though. A few too many high voltage encounters I imagine. He’s got a piggy-bank hanging from the ceiling with wings taped to it, three signs with arrows pointing where to go incase of various disasters (Left toward the school exit incase of fire, right toward the reinforced bathrooms incase of tornado, and a chaotic squiggly arrow for radiation spills), an x-ray of some one’s head with a hot wheel car stuck up its nose, and various other entertaining things.
The tech design teacher is awesome. His policy on tardy’s is as follows- First one: you get extra work for the day. Second one: He sends a note to parents. Third one: He sends Israeli Commandos to your house at night to break your knee caps. We got a kick out of it. He was apparently in the army, though I doubt he ever saw combat. He’s not old enough, and he’s been teaching during this war. He’s small and a bit nerdy- and occasionally talks to himself. He’s obsessed with perfection and demands it of us (which is good, but strenuous). He’s defiantly different. But he’s cool.
My English teacher is alright. She’s what you would expect of an English teacher- loves books and grammar and that. But she’s laid back. My first impression of the class was a doubtful one. But it’s shaped up rapidly, and I have some hopes for it. The math teacher is almost exactly like my last one. She has the same mannerisms, giddiness, and likes to pal around with the students. So I already know I’m going to like that.
So three days down and one hundred fifty something to go. I laugh at them inside because I only have half that. Hooray for slacking off XD. School is back and every thing is on track. I’m glad things are back to their normal flow, yet look forward to college as always.