I Wonder...

Jan 14, 2008 16:43

I know you've all probably heard about the Spider-Man and Mary Jane split. It seems strange to me that the Editor and Chief of Marvel Joe... whatever his last name is would allow decades of continuity to be erased. Anyway it got me thinking about Wildstorm, Apollo and the Midnighter and the whole "Changes of Biblical Porportions" coming up in the Wildstormverse. It has me worried that they will try this with Apollo and the Midnighter as well. From what I've read Joe... dosent really care about the fan backlash and thinks he's doing the right thing.

And in the Midnighter series, Apollo isnt around much. I know its because the series is about the "Midnighter" but I cant help but feel like this is what where headed for. Either Midnighter becoming straight or he and Apollo's marriege being wiped out of continuity.

Someone please tell me I'm just being paranoid and this wont happed. Please? *puppy dog eyes*
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