Title: Perfect Soldier - Chapter Eleven
Genre: Crossover (Dark Angel) / Drama
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sam/Kurt.
Word Count: 1150 words this chapter | 14460 so far.
Summary: Sam Evans, X4-471, decided that Lima, Ohio was a safe, innocent and unassuming place to start a new life. One moment changed that assumption.
Kissing was very nice. Before his escape, Sam had only known that a kiss was a common form of affectionate expression. That had been why he tried to kiss Quinn when they got close. Now, Sam was starting to realize that kissing had a lot of complexities that they were not going to teach him at Manticore. Kissing sent shocks of excitement to his heart and a few shockwaves elsewhere. He blushed, a hand on Kurt’s cheek as he realized that he had an erection. It reminded him of when the females of his unit went into heat and he couldn’t help respond to them. Manticore had always treated that as a nuisance that could be suppressed with hormone pills.
“I think this is getting too intense,” he said. “Am I supposed to be sexually aroused?”
Kurt’s reaction to his uncensored outburst was to burst out in hysterical laughter, practically doubling over, as if in pain. “Oh my god. Did you…I…uh did you just ask me that?” he choked out, absolutely giggling. “Oh my god, Sam, seriously!”
“It’s not funny,” he said. “We’re not having sex but my body is…”
“Super soldier or not, you have the body of a sixteen year old boy,” Kurt said, teasing but quickly composing himself at Sam’s discomfort and kissing his cheek. “Don’t worry about it Sam. It’s normal.”
“I like kissing,” Sam mumbled, face red. “I like it a lot.”
“Me too,” Kurt said, leaning back up and planting another kiss on Sam’s lips. “I wish I had done it more before, but hey, I didn’t know you yet.” Kurt slid up close until he was practically on top of Sam. He seriously thought that he was going to die from the arousal and made a sound of protest. Kurt was an incredibly evil but amazing human being.
Finn walked into the room at that moment.
“Woah, dudes,” he said, turning himself around. “I’ll come back later.”
“No,” Sam said, grabbing one of Kurt’s many pillows and putting it on his lap. “Um. Did you need something?”
Finn shook his head. “Nevermind dude,” he said, face bright red.
“Did you…happen to notice anything suspicious?” Sam asked Finn. As much as he was into the moment and being with Kurt, he could not get the X5 girl out of his head. He knew that he was in danger and in turn, the people closest to him were in danger. He did not want anything to happen to the family who had done so much for him. “I’m a little worried.”
“No I haven’t,” Finn said, still lingering near the door with an expression that said he really wanted to leave the room.
“We’re here for you, no matter what comes up,” Kurt said, looking to Finn and then back to Sam. He seemed very embarrassed. Sam knew that Finn walking in on them in that situation was embarrassing but really he was just annoyed that it drew his thoughts back to less than pleasant things.
“I really don’t want to put you guys at risk,” Sam said, seriously.
He spent the rest of the day worrying about putting Kurt, Finn and their wonderful parents at risk. They had taken him in and made him a part of their family in the midst of the disaster that was The Pulse and he owed them everything. That night, the urge to figure out what was going on and assess how much danger the Hummel-Hudson family was in overtook everything else, even his new feelings for Kurt.
He went out on a scouting mission to get himself some information.
The town of Lima, Ohio had been the closest place that Sam decided to settle once he was free. This was because it was small, but not too small, safe and unassuming. A lot had changed since he had chosen this place for his new home. The town had always been small but it had not been primitive in the slightest. Now, the walls were all barred or had police tape crossing broken windows. Armed guards stood at street corners in a way that reminded him of the guards at Manticore.
It was a creepy place and he knew that he was making himself even more of a suspicious character by walking around at night. It was cold, as was usual in this area in November, but it was bearable. Sam’s body temperature was always much higher than that of a normal human. He scouted the outskirts of Lima, on the East Side. He used his full strength to get there and was there in moments. He knew that if Manticore was patrolling they would keep as far from any inhabitants as possible.
Sam expected to find Manticore activity but when he found a familiar unmarked van, locating it from a mile away, his stomach dropped and his blood went colder than the air outside. He relaxed and listened in as best as he could. “Agent Sandoval here,” a man said, into some kind of communication device. Sam quickly marveled over the fact that he had a communication device of any kind in a post-Pulse world, as they were now calling it, but he knew that this was Manticore.
He knew Robert Sandoval, one of Manticore’s commanding officers. “There are no signs of any suspicious activity in this area, so far,” he said clearly, his voice crisp and cool. “Deck? Deck’s off in California searching for his ‘kids.’ I just want to take care of this X4 escapee…” He paused. “No, my orders are to shoot to kill. The X4s are a waste of genetic material, just like their predecessors. He’ll be dead the moment we catch him.”
Waste of genetic material, was he?
Sam watched, eyes narrowed. It was kind of interesting. His biggest fear was one day being shipped back to Manticore and now he knew that would never happen. He was going to be free or die. Sam couldn’t help it as his mind went back, further.
The X4 had a body that was several times stronger than that of a normal man. He was fast, strong and capable, even though he was only ten years old. He was being pushed to his breaking point in training, harder, faster.
“X5-471, give it more.”
He couldn’t. He couldn’t.
“They’re a waste, these X4s. The next series are toddlers and work twice as efficiently.”
Sam snapped out of it and watched very closely. “Do we even know that he’s here, Agent Sandoval?” a man asked. He was pretty low level. Sam could tell that he lacked the clearance of his superior.
“We’re going to find out. If not, we’ll move on to New York.”
Sam quickly hurried back home, as fast as he could. He had to throw them off their target, get them to believe he’d moved on, but first he had to think.