Title: Perfect Soldier - Chapter Eight
Genre: Crossover (Dark Angel) / Drama
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sam/Kurt, eventually.
Word Count: 1100 words this chapter | 10760 so far.
Summary: Sam Evans, X4-471, decided that Lima, Ohio was a safe, innocent and unassuming place to start a new life. One moment changed that assumption.
Kurt looked at Sam, certain that the horror was written all over his face. The world was in some kind of horrible chaos, the cute new kid he had fallen for was a mutant of some kind, and oh yeah, kissing Kurt had led to some kind of horrific seizure for him. Kurt felt like he was living in a freaking comic book. It was ridiculous and he wasn’t at his best under pressure.
“Sam?” he asked softly, thinking about what he said. “Milk?”
Sam nodded, or at least Kurt thought he did, amidst all of his violent shaking.
His father, Carole and Finn hurried down the stairs at his call and Kurt looked at them. “Something’s really wrong with Sam,” he said, panicked. “He said that milk can calm it down. Finn, get some.” Finn stood semi-paralyzed, halfway down the staircase and then ran back, nearly running into their parents. His father and Carole headed down the stairs and Carole immediately dropped to her knees at Sam’s side.
“What happened, Kurt?” she asked gently, tilting Sam’s head back.
Kurt shook his head, frantically. How did he explain this without revealing Sam’s secrets? How did he help Sam? Oh god, how did he get the horrifying shaking to stop. “I don’t know!” he yelled. “He said that it’s a problem he has but his meds were missing.”
Carole very gently moved Sam to the side, blocking his head from the dresser next to it. “He’s having a seizure of some kind. Did he ever tell you he was epileptic or anything like that?”
Finn returned with a half empty carton of milk. “Here Kurt…I don’t get…what’s going on?”
Kurt leaned close to Sam’s convulsing body. “Sam, here, I have milk. You gotta try to drink it.”
Kurt opened the carton of milk and very gently tipped it back to Sam’s mouth. Sam was convulsing too hard and milk spilled down the front of his shirt. Kurt managed to get him to drink a little, coaxing lightly. He could hear his father say, “what the hell’s milk gonna do?” and he was honestly wondering the same thing, but he tried to get Sam to force down as much as he could. Sam swallowed once, harshly, which seemed to help the shaking.
“The d-dosage isn’t enough, but it can help some…is there a - there’s a drug store r-right? S-sometimes they have…”
Sam was at least coherent enough to say those words. “Yeah,” Finn said quickly. “Kurt, we can get to the drug store but it may be shut down.”
“I have a feeling that’s not going to be a problem,” Kurt said darkly. “Sam, my dad and Carole are going to take care of you, get you down onto the bed okay? Finn and I are going to go to the drug store and see what we can find. Just hold on.”
“H-hurry Kurt,” Sam mumbled, clinging to Carole’s arm. On cue, the woman helped him up and towards the bed. She and Burt got Sam sitting before Kurt took Finn’s hand and took off.
Finn followed Kurt down the street. Kurt appreciated Finn’s loyalty to him, especially when he had no idea what the hell he was doing. The streets were a little bit quiet, as news about The Pulse circulated through Ohio, and probably the rest of the world - though connection was completely cut off. It actually floored Kurt, how much of their normal lives had been taken but he truly believed they were still shell shocked from the gigantic bomb that had been dropped upon them. The actual grief would come later, when things didn’t feel so hysterical. Plus, Kurt sort of had a transgenic mutant soldier on his hands who was having some kind of seizure.
“Faster Finn,” Kurt mumbled.
He was glad that they both were pretty fast, because they got to the drug store pretty fast. Thompson Drug was kind of a staple of the town. It was kind of shocking to see it with broken glass windows and a low alarm still blaring. “We’re about to do something highly illegal, aren’t we?” Finn asked, swallowing deeply.
“I don’t think there are laws at the moment,” Kurt said as he walked in through the slightly ajar automatic door.
It was madness, shelves toppled over, their contents strewn across the floor. Kurt looked around and then pulled Finn towards the remainder of the medicine aisle. There were a small supply of supplements but the entire aisle had been picked through. He started digging through fallen bottles. What were they going to do if they didn’t have the exact supplement that Sam needed? They couldn’t leave him there, shaking desperately like that. These things might kill him or something, Kurt had no idea. “Finn, what do we do?” he asked as they shifted through everything. “What do people even use this stuff for?”
Finn shook his head, digging around in the next aisle over. “I have no clue Kurt!” he called back.
Kurt was getting panicked. He followed the aisle along to the pharmacy.
“What are we looking for again Kurt?”
“I found it,” Finn said and Kurt felt the strongest wave of relief ever. Oh god. He quickly crossed over to where Finn was and found that Finn was holding a bottle of the supplement. Apparently it was used to help people sleep and for natural treatment of depression. Well, it was what Sam needs.
Kurt took it from his stepbrother. “Let’s go,” he said, but hesitated for a moment and then walked up to the front of the store and slipped ten dollars into the drawer under the register. The world wasn’t going to stay broken.
They got back home in record time. Sam and their parents were still in the basement. Carole shot them a desperate look from where she sat at Sam’s side. “They’re going to t-t-t-t-take me away,” Sam ranted, and she pat his hair lightly.
“Now, now honey, nobody’s taking you anywhere,” she assured, low.
Kurt was opening the bottle as soon as he started running down the stairs. Burt looked up at his son. “Did you get it?” he asked Kurt.
Kurt nodded. “We did.”
He very quickly urged Sam to take the pill, pressing it to his lips. His dad handed him a bottle of water and he got Sam to swallow. He sighed in total relief.