Title: Linked
Genre: Supernatural / Angst / Gen
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Finn/Kurt, platonic.
Word Count: 1028 this chapter | 1028 so far
Summary: Finn collapses on the McKinley football field, the same day that Kurt is kidnapped, bringing to the surface a link between them.
It was a good game; McKinley was up and they were certainly going to win, he and Rachel were back together and she was smiling at him from the bleachers, and most of all, Finn was just high on life, happy. He had been dealing with a lot in the past months, and nothing felt better than playing his game, confident and happy with himself.
He mumbled plays with Sam before Coach blew the whistle, and then, as he ran forward it hit him - pain like Finn had never felt before. It was agony, like a knife had been driven straight into his gut. He screamed, falling to his knees and clutching his stomach. His eyes watered and he shook, feeling like he was going to throw up. The pain was radiating through him, worse than any football injury he had ever received. It seemed to grow worse by the second, steadier and hotter. Coach blew her whistle again and the next thing he knew, he was surrounded. He thought for a moment that he was going to be another one of those high school athletes you sometimes read about, dropping dead on the field. He felt like he was dying.
"Mom!" he screamed suddenly.
The space in front of his eyes went white.
When he woke up, he was still seeing white, but his mother was holding his hand and he was undoubtedly in a hospital. "Mom?" Finn asked, his voice coming out small and shaken. "What happened?"
She looked straight into his eyes and she was crying. "You passed out on the field," she said softly. "Burt and I rushed down from the bleachers and I took you to the hospital."
Finn nodded slowly. "What's wrong with me?" he asked. The memories came flooding back to him quickly and he shook his head. "I thought that I was gonna die Mom, it hurt so badly. It felt like someone was ripping through me, tearing me into pieces.” The pain was gone for the moment being, but not completely. It lingered in his body, like a distant memory, but it wasn’t all in his head. The sting remained, burning deeply underneath the surface.
"The doctors didn't find anything," she admitted, eyes teary. "They're stumped. One is saying you're dehydrated..."
Finn shook his head. "I drink a lot of water," he said. "Coach pushes that hard."
His mom very gently ran a hand over his forehead. He closed his eyes and tried to come up with an idea. What could have caused his unimaginable pain? Only one thing made sense and it was a scary thought.
"Mom, you don't think its Kurt is it?" he asked softly. "I mean you know about our...special thing. Where is he?"
She frowned. "I sent Burt out to get him," she said. "I haven't heard from him...I was so worried about you."
"Go call him," Finn said, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He lay back against the bed, while his mom went to call Burt. He didn't feel right. Something was very wrong with him. "Oh god!" he yelled. Another fit of pain took over his body, all over him, a burning. He batted at his skin, trying to snuff out the invisible flames. He screamed. His screams brought both his mother and two nurses into his room. "It hurts..." he whimpered. He could heart rate monitors around him beeping frantically. He clawed at his skin.
Then it stopped and he shut his eyes tightly. Please, make it stop, was all that he could think.
"He's alright," Finn heard his mom tell the nurses. He was confused; body burning and he couldn't stop shaking. He was crying, shamefully, and could not stop. "Just a nervous condition, post-traumatic stress disorder. He's in an attack. Please, just let him rest a bit and I can take him home."
Finn closed his eyes. He listened to the hustle, the noise and haze. Why was his mother writing this off? Oh god, it hurt. When it lessened, the pain and the noise, he addressed his mother, panting. "Mom, did you get Burt?"
"Kurt's missing," she said and for the first time in a long time he heard tears in his mother's voice, as well as saw them in her eyes. She was fighting them back, trying her hardest to be strong. "His father's been to the police. There are some witnesses - Finn, it’s possible that Kurt was kidnapped."
"No," Finn said, shaking his head. The pain subsided again, long enough to let him think, but he didn't know when it would start again. He was still hurting, badly. Every fiber of his body, every nerve ending was on fire. He sat back on his elbows so that he could see his crying mother. "Oh god mom, someone's doing this to Kurt. That's why I'm feeling like this. Someone's torturing my brother. Oh shit, no. Why?"
"I don't know," she whispered. Her phone rang and she answered it. "Burt, yeah, he had another attack. He's in a ton of pain. Burt, I'm scared. It could be happening to Kurt and we can't exactly tell anyone our sons share a special bond. I don’t know. Get here. I don’t know what the hell to do! GET HERE DAMN IT!”
Finn closed his eyes, marveling that he had never heard such venom in his mother’s voice. It was a momentary thought, to get his mind off of things, but they were drawn right back to the situation, quickly.
He screamed as a jolt struck him in the back. He cowered, scrunching up into a ball. He reached around to try and pull the knife out of his back but he was unscarred. He jolted against the bed.
"Burt, what do I do?!" he vaguely heard his mother shriek. "Finn's in agony here. I can’t see my son like this Burt Hummel! DO SOMETHING NOW!”
He hit the bed, pain exploding across his face. He clutched his eye, but his back still exploded in pain every time he moved. Hell, everything hurt. "Mom...momma...mom!"