Title: Conditions of Recovery - 4/?
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Mike/Tina, Brittany/Santana
Word Count: 1040 this chapter | 4090 so far
Summary: Sequel to Broken Bones, Scars and Show Choir, which can be found at the directory
here. Mike and Brittany are both recovering from their injuries sustained in the attacks. The conditions of recovery affect them both greatly, as well as their growing relationships.
Santana was happy to have spent the evening with Tina, but she was even happier when she got the text from Brittany the next morning, asking her to come to the doctor. Even though Santana hated everything about doctors (it stemmed from having a father who was a doctor, she was sure), she was glad to go to Brittany’s appointments with her, do anything to make the other girl feel better. She knew that the numerous doctors’ visits scared Brittany.
The moment she pulled into the parking lot, she saw her girl, in the wheelchair, with Mike and what looked like his mother. Mike waved and pushed Brittany up to Santana’s side.
“Hey baby,” she said, leaning down and hugging Brittany. Brittany hugged her extremely tightly. It was nice, Brittany holding on so tight. She really missed Brittany all the time. Brittany’s love was one thing that she had taken for granted for too long. She needed her right there.
Brittany smiled. “I’m really glad you came,” she said softly.
“Of course I did,” she said. “I missed you like crazy, you know that?”
“I had fun with Mike,” Brittany explained as they went inside. Santana gave Brittany the papers to sign. Her father was going to meet them there pretty soon. “He’s really sweet and we talked about a lot of different stuff.”
"Like what?" Santana asked curiously. She didn't really know much about Mike or Tina, something she had realized when she and Tina were talking at the diner. It was sad. She definitely was going to try and get to know them better, as they were going through the same things that she and Brittany were, to a degree, and they both needed some good and loyal friendships.
"Things," Brittany said shrugging a little bit as Santana pushed her over to a more quiet part of the busy waiting room. "Falling in love. Did you know that Mike was in love with Tina for a really, really long time?"
"Is that so?" Santana asked quietly.
"Yep," Brittany said brightly. "He was really in love with her from the first time she sang to him in glee. So romantic."
"It is romantic," she mumbled. "How are you feeling babe?"
"Me?" Brittany asked. "Oh well I'm okay. My leg hurts all the time and I still can't get out of this stupid chair. I wake up and need my pills all the time, which is so annoying and I miss being with you all the time and doing Cheerios stuff and...yeah." She smiled a little bit. "How are you San?"
"Okay babe," she said. "Missing you."
It seemed that the wait didn’t take long for once and pretty soon a young blonde woman in scrubs stepped out and asked for Brittany. “My dad’s not here yet,” Brittany said looking around. “San, will you please?”
Santana nodded. “Of course, babe,” she said. She pushed Brittany after the woman, telling the receptionist to let Brittany’s father come back if he arrived. They were shown to a room. It was a typical doctor’s room. Santana hated them. One would think that with a doctor for a father, she was okay with doctors, but she wasn’t. She had spent a lot of time as a child with her father and it just creeped her out. It was too sterile, too clean and there were too many bad feelings associated with going to the doctor.
She also hated how uncomfortable these rooms made Brittany. Brittany was doing the wheelchair equivalent of pacing, rocking back and forth a little bit. “I hate rooms like this,” she mumbled out loud.
“I know baby.”
Pretty soon, a young man (an attractive young man said the part of her in the back of her mind that still wanted to flirt it up) came and took Brittany to get an x-ray. Santana was forced to wait. While she was pacing, Brittany’s father came in. He was a little scatterbrained, but a very nice man. He liked her. She wished her parents were a little more like Brittany’s.
“She’s getting an x-ray,” Santana explained.
The man nodded. “I see,” he mumbled. “Did that Mike boy leave?”
She nodded.
“I’ll have to thank him for bringing Brittany to her appointment,” he said seriously. “I got pulled away at work and had a lot to catch up with. He and his parents saved me a lot of time and energy.”
Brittany returned with the x-ray technician. “They took a picture of my bones again,” Brittany said shaking her head. “I really don’t like those things. They make me feel all dizzy and ew.”
Santana kissed her cheek. She also loved Brittany’s father because he didn’t mind their relationship in the slightest. Of course, she was sure that Mr. Pierce had no idea how promiscuous Santana or his daughter had been, but still, it was good to know that a parent in Lima, Ohio wasn’t a raging homophobe. “Probably your meds making you dizzy sweetie,” Santana said soft.
Before long, the x-ray technician returned with the doctor. The doctor was an older man with pepper-gray hair. Santana remembered him from Brittany’s last appointment. “Hi Brittany,” he said, shaking her hand. “It seems like we have a full house today.”
“This is my dad and my best friend Santana.”
Best friend. Santana swallowed. It hurt to hear Brittany refer to her that way, even though Brittany was the best friend she ever had. She herself had been the one to suggest they go slow from best friends to girlfriends, but she really wanted to make it work this time. The doctor smiled and shook everyone’s hand quickly before putting Brittany’s x-rays up on a screen. “Well Brittany,” he said. “As you know, you’ve had a lot of underlying nerve damage, that we haven’t been able to determine the extent of because of you severe injuries.”
Brittany nodded, slowly.
“Well one of the major issues is the fact that your left kneecap was partially shattered.”
Santana winced hard, looking at the x-ray.
“We need to go in and do a partial patellectomy, removing the damaged bone,” he said, seriously. ”It is what I assumed we needed to do initially but we waited until we could really get a good look at it, let your more serious lower leg injuries recover. I’d like do it before this month’s end.”
“I already had like five surgeries…” Brittany told Santana, indignantly, shaking her head. Santana could tell she was really upset.
“It’s not a fix, but it’s making good progress towards recovery.”
The man’s words were true but Santana could tell that her girl was exhausted. More surgeries, more fixes, there were just too many things damaged at once. It was a lot for a pair of girls to put back together.