Title: In The Backseat
Genre: Kink
Series: The Good Ol' Days Series
Pairing: Puck/Burt, Kurt, Finn
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 1010
Summary: Puck seems to think that Finn's presence will stop Burt from doing what Burt does. Kurt knows better.
Warnings: Spanking, mentions of mouth-soaping.
cwshowspodcast thank you for always kicking me into gear with new ideas and such.
Puck was a different boy when he was around ‘one of the guys.’ This made Kurt nervous, for obvious reasons.
Burt had agreed to drive Finn, Kurt and Puck home from McKinley’s away game, and because it was such a long drive, he had decided to take his work van. Puck would not stop running his mouth, talking to Finn, using language that he knew was going to get the other boy in trouble. One more fuck and Kurt swore he was going to jump out of the window, to avoid the embarrassment of what was surely to come. He shot Puck a look that he hoped said, ‘Do you want your ass spanked in front of Finn?’ but he wasn’t sure he got through. Maybe Puck thought that with Finn in the car, he was safe, but Kurt knew his father just a little bit better than his baby brother did.
“What the fuck, Hudson?” Puck asked, shoving Finn in the shoulder. “They were more meat than brains. Of course we beat them.”
There it was, there was his father’s last straw. Kurt rolled his eyes and looked over his shoulder. When Burt pulled off the side of the road, Kurt wanted to scream I told you so at his stupid pseudo-brother but instead he just leaned back against the seat. This was not good. There was way too much humiliation involved for him, when Puck was the one who was going to wind up punished.
“Noah, get your ass in the back of the van.”
Kurt got out, bringing Finn with him. Finn, of course, looked confused. Poor boy was going to get an eyeful, if his father actually was planning on spanking Puck. “What’s going on?” he asked.
Kurt crossed his arms. “Finn Hudson, I am going to give you the best advice you’ve ever received in your life,” he said. “Your best friend is about to get spanked for using one f-word too many. If you look in the back of that van, you may be scarred for life.” Kurt was not fond of sharing the world he, Puck and his father lived in with anyone, not even Finn, so warning Finn may or may not have been protection for himself, as well as for Finn. He didn’t really want Finn to be a part of that world, as selfish as it was.
Finn looked at Kurt. “Dude, you can’t be serious.”
“I am dead serious,” Kurt said softly. “I will not explain Finn. Just, uh, sit down or something. It won’t take long.”
If he knew his father, the worse was going to come in the form of mouth-soaping or something equally humiliating at home. Noah Puckerman was the stupidest boy in the world.
He then peered into the window of the van himself, out of a curiosity he could not resist. Burt was sitting on the bench in the back of the van, Puck over his lap, pants down. Puck’s face was towards his window, screwed up with embarrassment. Kurt winced, as he could just barely hear the smacking sound coming from inside the van.
Finn was looking through the window on the other side. Sneaky bastard, Kurt had warned him not to look.
Burt spanked Puck bare-assed, over his knee, with the flat of his hand. It wasn’t as harsh as it could have been if he had the brush or paddle on hand, but Kurt knew from experience that his father could do a lot of damage without any assistance needed. “Finn I told you not to watch,” he said shaking his head.
He had a sneaking feeling that his father had known Finn would watch. He was big on humiliation for both Kurt and Puck. Finn had huge eyes and just kept staring. Kurt watched himself, shaking his head. “I could have warned you,” he mumbled aloud.
He watched as Puck’s face got redder, screwed up in pain and embarrassment. He was sure that Finn had a perfect view of his equally reddening backside.
Kurt had enough. He had seen Puck get himself spanked too many times now to be interested. As long as his backside wasn’t the one being fried, he was going to go sit up front. He had a feeling Finn would stick around for the show.
He checked his phone, out of embarrassment and frustration.
He looked up to see Finn scrambling back into the front of the van. “Yes Finn?” Kurt asked calmly.
“I don’t even…know,” Finn mumbled and Kurt gave a half-smile. At least Finn’s induction into the oddity of his life had rendered him speechless. That meant that Kurt didn’t have to attempt to explain the issues that he had.
“Just don’t talk,” Kurt suggested. “Do not speak of this.”
His father returned to the front of the car and sat down in the driver’s seat. “Let that be a lesson to you both about what kind of language is appropriate for kids you age,” he said, simply. Kurt nodded obediently and Finn just swallowed and tried very hard to stare out of the window. Kurt wondered if the other boy was contemplating throwing himself out of said window any time soon. He had to admit that was awkward.
Puck sat in the seat behind them, face red and blotchy. He did not look anyone in the eye. Kurt shifted for just a moment, to watch him go out of his way to avoid any eye contact, especially with Finn.
Nobody spoke until they got back to Lima, Finn was dropped off and Kurt, Puck and their father were alone in the van.
“That was unfortunate,” Burt said.
“A little,” Kurt mumbled.
Puck said nothing.
“I’m sure that was quite a lesson in itself,” Burt mumbled, thoughtfully, “but I want you in Kurt’s bathroom with the soap, the second we get home.” He then glanced over to Kurt. “Can you call Finn when we get home? I want to make sure the boy isn’t traumatized or anything.”