Title: The Unexplainable - Chapter Six
Genre: Angst/Drama
Rating: R
Characters: Mercedes Jones, Kurt Hummel
Word Count: 1200 this chapter | 6470 overall
Summary: When Kurt returns to Lima after almost a year’s disappearance, everyone’s lives change.
Mercedes entered the women’s room and looked at herself in the mirror. She hated what she saw. She had lost a ton of weight, and her face was just sunken in. Her eyes were baggy; she was unkempt and looked ridiculous from all of the crying. Blaine was right; this wasn’t her. She had turned into something she hated from the moment Finn had come to her crying and told her that Kurt was missing.
Losing Kurt, temporarily, when he went to Dalton had broken her heart once, but really losing him had just torn her inside out. Kurt was part of who she was. Kurt was her best friend and he meant more to her than anyone else in her life. He had been with her through the best and worse, and even though they were having hard times when he disappeared, he still meant more to her than anyone else. He was her boy.
She turned on the faucet and splashed water on her face. “This is pathetic,” she said aloud. “This isn’t you. This is some freaky shell of you, and your boy can’t have that. He’s here. He’s alive. He needs the real me.”
She thought about that for a moment.
This time last year she wouldn’t have waited in a little room, clinging to Blaine like her life depended on it, when her boy needed her. She would make sure her boy was okay, regardless of the consequences. She nodded and walked out of the bathroom and went straight down the hall.
A couple of people looked at her, but she just glared. The hell with anyone who would stop her. This was Kurt and when Kurt needed her, she was there for him. He had obviously been through hell and he needed something more.
Her heart broke a little at the sight of him. Kurt lay in a hospital bed, eyes open but half focused. He held his father’s hand tightly, clinging to his whole arm like he was afraid the man was going to disappear. Finn was right; she could see the scars covering his tiny form. Had Kurt ever been that thin? No. He was a naturally skinny guy but now he looked like he would crack with any pressure at all.
“Kurt,” she said.
Burt looked up at her like she was an intrusion on the fort he had put up for his son. He opened his mouth to speak but Kurt beat him to it. “Mercedes,” he said, his eyes going sharp, focused. He sat straight up in bed, though the look on his face indicated that it was painful to do so.
“Shh, Kurt, relax, you’re going to pull at all those wires,” she said, finding her voice. “I just had to see you.”
He reached out for her. He looked at his dad. “Please Dad, I need…”
Burt looked between them for a long moment, and then gently undid Kurt’s fingers, which had curled around his arm. “I need to talk to Carole,” he said softly. He gave Mercedes a very dark look. He seemed unsure if he could trust her, or if he could honestly trust anyone. “If there are any problems, you come straight to me.”
She nodded.
She very slowly moved forward and Kurt reached for her. When she got close enough he clung to her just as he had his father. “Please, come here,” he said and hugged her ferociously tight, despite the fact that the tubes and wires all around him were keeping him still. “Oh my god Mercedes…it’s you…I made up so many ways…to see you again. I…I used so much of you to get to them…I told them not to mess with me, cause I was too goddamned awesome.”
Mercedes choked a little, surprised because she remembered just when she’d said it. “Nobody could mess with you, Kurt.”
He nodded. “I had to be like you, strong, brave but they…they ruined me,” he choked.
“Nah, you’re still my Kurt,” she said, holding onto him just as tight. “Kurt, I’m not goin’ anywhere, ok? You got out.”
Kurt shook his head. “Mercedes, it was dumb luck,” he said softly. “I saw an out and I took it.”
She nodded, rubbing his shoulder. Oh god, he was so frail.
Kurt kept talking, frantically, a mile a minute. She tried her best to understand all of it. It seemed her presence had sparked a confession of some kind in him. It was terrifying.
“I was in The Basement,” he said softly. “There was a girl, screaming. They were hurting her, Salazar and his guys…I saw him rape her. She was bloody, blood everywhere and putting up a fight. She was new…the new ones always fought…I fought when I was new…She was wearing a white skirt and it was all bloody. It reminded me of Rachel, I felt sick. They were all focusing on her so I…I had been working at the bindings for days…I used their distraction…I used her. I ran.”
Mercedes could not describe the horror that was rising in her chest at his disjointed escape story. She looked back and saw Burt and Finn’s mother, standing in the doorway. Kurt didn’t even know they were there. Chances were, he didn’t even really know she was there.
“I had to get out, I had to get out. They kept selling me. They kept making me do these horrible things. Sticking me in the street to blow the nearest guy, swearing they’d kill one of the others if I didn’t…”
He closed his eyes and tears started falling, along with choked, desperate sobs. “I ran, I ran…I used what they taught me to get home. I stole some clothes, let a guy fuck me for a ride into Ohio…so wrong…so stupid…then I found the choir room, I found it. I made it. All that searching. I thought he was gonna kill me. I was just small enough to hide, to move, to get out…”
Mercedes didn’t know what to do. She gently stroked his arm. “It’s okay Kurt…it’s all over now. We’re going to make sure that everyone who hurt you is taken care of. Your daddy, the whole town, me, we’re all here for you.”
He stopped crying after awhile and just clung to her. There was a knock.
Mercedes looked up to see that Burt was now joined with a man she recognized. Dan Jacobs, the officer in charge of Kurt’s case. He was a close friend of her family.
“Kurt,” Dan said softly. “I know this is a very hard time but I really want to get some testimony from you.”
Kurt nodded, shakily. “If Mercedes stays here…I’ll tell you all I know…”