Title: A Deeper Look 10/10
Genre: Angst/Drama
Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1100 this chapter // 10850 overall.
Previous Chapters: Located at the directory here.
AN: Thanks so much to all the readers of this fic. I think that stopping here is a good idea, but as with all of my fic, there is always chance of more in verse fic.
It’s a typical pride event, or so he thinks, as Dave has never been to one in his life. There are rainbows and other blatant displays of gay pride everywhere. To be honest, he is nervous as hell. He has been anything but proud of his sexuality his whole life. He is there and everything but he isn't going to be waving any rainbow banners any time soon. He finds Kurt quickly and sticks very close to him. Kurt looks over and smiles that ridiculously charming, confident smile that turns his stomach into knots. “The turnouts pretty good,” he says proudly, “and we haven’t had any trouble yet.”
As if on cue, there’s a loud shriek from Rachel Berry. Dave turns around to find the show choir diva covered in bright green slushie. He winces, groaning because he knows that a couple of weeks ago he would have been on that end of the slushie cup and also because now he’s felt the ice cold sting himself. It’s not pleasant. It’s humiliating as hell and it’s also surprisingly painful - freezing cold. He shudders, trying to erase that memory from his head. He's apparently lost in his thoughts for too long, because Kurt touches him.
“Dave,” Kurt says, gesturing with his head.
Oh, shit. The hand at the end of the slushie cup belongs to none other than his former best friend. “Look at the little fag princess,” he slurs, laughing softly. “I’ll have to get my boys to give you a few more of those, and then we’ll show you a real rainbow.”
Dave looks to Kurt but he’s already rushing to Rachel’s aide. “Get the hell out of here,” Kurt yells with fire in his voice. “There is no place for someone like you here. This event is for support and positivity, something that you’ve never experienced in your pathetic life. You’re so freakin’ ridiculous. Slushies? Really? Hasn’t that become old yet? Not that I expect you to be able to get creative with a brain the size of a flea.” Kurt’s shaking in anger and Dave can’t help the sadness that inspires. Kurt had always used his words to defend himself against people like them. Kurt had always been so much braver than his little stature would show. Dave knows well that Azimio could beat the crap out of Kurt with a single finger. This is why he steps in - also he owes Kurt, all the pain he’s caused.
“Back the fuck off,” Dave says, harshly.
“Oh look,” Azimio says, laughing softly. “It’s my old best friend. Got any more confessions for me?” He turns around and starts imitating him. “Oh please, don’t hate me. I’m just…I can’t take it anymore okay? I don’t want to hide from you…we’re cool right, we’re cool?” The guys with him start laughing and Dave can’t help the tears that sting, but he represses. He keeps them down. Azimio is doing a spot on imitation of his confessions. He grabs him by the shoulder and spins him around.
“You stay the hell away from them, and from me,” he says. “I trusted you.”
“You’re pathetic,” Kurt says, and he can’t believe the kid keeps talking. He's glad he's here. Kurt's pushing too hard and is going to get himself killed. “Did you know that? You had a friend who gave you complete trust. A lot of people would kill for that. Not only did you reject your best friend from childhood, you beat him. Are you that threatened; are you that afraid? Does his sexuality change who he is? You’re a screw-up who doesn’t get what friendship is and I feel sorry for you.”
Rachel, who had been quiet, speaks, brushing green slush out of her hair. “Kurt, sh,” she says, with dramatic flair. “He doesn’t get friendship. Why let him mess with our day? Can you guys help me clean up?”
Dave takes control and nods towards the locker room. “It’s Saturday, it’s empty until game time,” he says. Kurt nods and he and Rachel both follow.
“I have a change of clothes,” Rachel says softly. “I expected this. You don't really have to help me, I just have a total phobia of violence and I could swear he was going to take your head off Kurt. ”
She opens her bag and yeah, inside is a blouse and skirt. Dave feels like shit, realizing just how much this happens to her.
“We’ll stay right here, just go to the other side and change,” Kurt says. “There are showers and if you need help cleaning your hair or whatever, just ask.”
“Nobody into girls here,” Dave jokes, sitting down.
Kurt gives him a look. It’s probably a big step, admitting he’s gay in a joke.
Dave leans back on the bench in the middle of the locker room and looks to Kurt. “Wow,” he says softly. “That…thing you did was just…amazing,” he says honestly. “I can’t thank you enough really. You’re pretty fantastic with words. It’s always been something I’ve sucked at.”
“Why do you and I keep coming here?” Kurt asks and he’s changing the subject, but Dave figures it’s because he’s not too good at taking compliments. He realizes that, holy shit, yes they are at the same place. It was that spot again; the spot where he kissed Kurt and the spot where he had been beaten up.
“It draws us in,” Dave suggests. “It just holds a lot of meaning I guess.”
“I suppose,” Kurt says.
“I wish I had that kiss to do over,” Dave blurts out, quickly, quietly. He can’t believe it comes out of his mouth. “I mean, seriously, I feel guilty for it, just so you know. It was wrong and I forced it and I acted on total…”
“Fear and desire?” Kurt asks, and yeah, the kid is better with words then he is.
He just smiles, the tiniest, sweetest smile that Dave has ever seen. It just lights up his face and goes straight to those soft eyes that he can’t tell the color of. Kurt sits down on the bench next to him. “You know,” he says, crossing his legs and practically batting his eyes. It’s so dramatic and theatrical and all Kurt. “If you want to redo that kiss, I’m totally game for a redo.”
He leans down and presses his hand to Kurt’s cheek, stroking it lightly. “Really?”
Kurt nods.
He leans down and presses his lips to the other boy’s soft ones. This was just what he had wanted so much, for so long. It’s silly but it practically has him crying. He scoots a little bit closer and then carefully pulls back. It’s soft, sweet and gentle. It’s perfect.
He goes in for a deeper kiss and Kurt's delighted sounds make it even better.