Title: A Deeper Look 8/?
Genre: Angst/Drama
Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky pre-slash
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1000 this chapter // 8850 overall.
Previous Chapters: Located at the directory
Dave looks around the room. He doesn’t know what he expects to see in Kurt Hummel’s bedroom, but this is pretty close. It’s nice, kind of like a girl’s room, but there aren’t prancing unicorns or any of the things he used to imagine to convince himself he was disgusted by Kurt. Nah, it was pretty normal.
“You look a little bit surprised by what you see,” Kurt says. “By the way, it’s safe to sit down.”
Dave sits down. “I don’t know what I expected,” he says. “Sorry.”
“Nah its okay,” Kurt says. He wonders if Kurt realized just how much he had thought about him. It would probably scare him, creep him out and make him kick Dave out immediately. It’s not like it was something he could help. Kurt was just always there, reminding him of the part of himself that he had tried so valiantly to hide.
He was always obsessed, in love with who Kurt Hummel is. He still is.
He tries to think of something to say.
“Listening to your dad,” he says. “And just meeting him, he seems unbelievable.” It’s true. He really can’t imagine a father that is so supportive of his son, and just loves him no matter what he does. His dad’s always been decent, but there were always certain expectations to live with. No matter what Kurt Hummel does, it seems his dad loves him and respects his choice. That’s pretty intense and like nothing he’s ever known.
Kurt looks at him and he sees something - pity? - flash through his eyes. He hates to be pitied.
“My dad is awesome,” Kurt says softly, seriously. “He’s always been there for me when I needed him, even more since my mom died when I was little. How does he seem unbelievable to you though?”
Dave feels caught off guard. “He just doesn’t seem to care about any of your gay stuff or anything. He doesn’t seem like he’d mind whatever you end up doing.”
Kurt smiles some. “You know, our dads came from the exact same background right? Old friends, if you will. My dad told me that he really spent a lot of time learning how to understand things that he didn’t understand. I think that your dad could do the same pretty quickly, if he’s just given the right time and encouragement.”
“I wish,” Dave says, without even thinking about it.
“Your dad’s important to you too, isn’t he?” Kurt asks soft.
He nods. “Mhm,” he offers. “He’s always been there. My mom works for this…high end whatever company and my dad has always been the one at home and around. We always just got on really well.”
“I don’t think he’s a bad person,” Kurt offers softly.
“I guess I don’t either.”
He can’t think of his father as a bad person. It’s why he thinks of Kurt’s father as some kind of super dad, because if his father can’t accept who he is, then it must be abnormal for other people to do it. It has to be superhuman.
“I think my dad will help him,” Kurt offers, quietly, looking obviously uncomfortable. “He’s really good with talking people down, even though he’s not the most eloquent person out there. He knows what your dad’s going through; though I know he went through it with me, when I was a lot younger. I…I’m rambling, sorry.”
“You’re not doing anything wrong,” Dave says, looking at Kurt and suddenly he remembers just how infatuated with Kurt he’s been. There had been so many times that he wanted to kiss him, tell him just what he made him feel, and he failed, because he was so afraid. He is so completely infatuated with Kurt, with the person who is so proud of who he is, so bold and so gorgeous. “I’m sorry. I’m just not really sure what to say.”
Kurt looks him in the eyes and blurts out, “Why did you kiss me?”
He coughs. Kurt can say anything in the world, but of course he chooses to ask that question. Dave doesn’t even know. He didn’t know the second he did it and he doesn’t know now. Kurt had just always been that symbol of what he wanted to be. Seeing it flaunted in his face, it had become so tempting, so wonderful, so perfect, until finally he snapped and took what he wanted from it.
He has feelings for Kurt too, but doesn’t want to say that because it’s an inappropriate time to do so.
“You,” he says, “you were just always there - reminding me that I was…you know.”
“Gay,” Kurt says, pointedly.
“It’s easy to forget for awhile, sometimes,” he says. “It’s easy to go along like everything’s normal.”
Kurt pouts. “So I was just the reminder to you that gay people exist and some of us are proud of ourselves?” It almost seems like he’s angry but Dave does see the slight curve to his lips, the way that he’s trying not to smile.
“That and…you always amazed me, because you were everything I couldn’t be. They, no we, hurled abuse at you and you…took it, gracefully and came to school the next morning looking the same.”
“You know, a good way to keep yourself safe woulda been to back off of me,” Kurt says. “Show people that messing with someone who’s gay isn’t okay.”
“I know, I know,” he says, glancing around the room again. He can’t believe all of the things that make Kurt Hummel who he is. He hates to admit it but now that he’s out (against his will but still) and has the popularity of a glee club kid, he’s kind of just enjoying it, and falling a little bit harder. Stupid, silly, but it had always been a stupid and silly infatuation.
Now he was at least sitting in Kurt’s room, being blessed with the ability to see Kurt smile.
“You’ll catch on,” Kurt says.