Title: A Deeper Look 6?
Genre: Angst/Drama
Pairing: Kurt/Karofsky pre-slash.
Word Count: 1230 this chapter // 6730 overall.
Summary: He’s never heard slurs like that not directed towards himself.
Previous Chapters: Located at the directory
Tina approaches Kurt quickly, looking absolutely confused. “What is it?” Kurt asks, when she sets the petition down on the table between them (with a few more signatures, he notices happily). “Tina, you okay?”
She nods. “Yeah,” she says. “It’s just that you will never believe who just signed the petition…”
Kurt knows the answer, it surprises him, but he knows it. Still it shocks him a little when she says, “Karofsky. Kurt, I totally don’t understand.”
Okay, the shock is understandable but certainly she knows what’s been going on. “Well you know what happened with Karofsky,” he says, soft. It had been the biggest piece of gossip in the whole school for the last couple of weeks and it had not exactly been a silent issue in glee club either, considering Kurt’s involvement. “He got outed to the whole school Tina…”
“No,” she admits sheepishly.
“Where have you been?” he asks. He knows Tina tries to be good and avoid gossip, but there’s no way on earth that she could have avoided this one. Nobody could have avoided at least hearing about this one.
Tina laughs, sheepishly. “Well Mike’s psychopathic mother has been on a business trip for the past few weeks and the alone time has been…enjoyable.”
“Ew,” Kurt says, quickly. “TMI Tina. Do not start ranting about his abs or I’m gone. They seriously can’t be good enough to make the whole world disappear-no wait, don’t answer that.”
Tina relents. “What happened Kurt?” she asks.
He can’t believe he has to tell this story again. “Well,” he says. “I was heading home after staying late when I heard some shouting coming from the locker room. It was Azimio, shouting at Karofsky. I knew that Karofsky was gay. I hadn’t told anyone cause well…it’s a really personal thing you know, and he had kissed me a few weeks earlier in what has to have been the single most desperate act of frustration I have ever played witness to in my life. I knew that Karofsky was in trouble, when I kept hearing fag thrown around and stuff.”
It sounds so funny when he says it out loud in one long ramble. It was such a pivotal event in his life that saying it like that seems to make it sound a lot less important.
“Wait, Karofsky kissed you?” she asks. “Why?”
“I don’t know,” Kurt says. “I guess because I’m the only openly gay guy here? Anyway. He had come out to Azimio and the guy was beating the crap out of him. It was horrible. I did the only thing I could think of. I flew at him, tried to get him off of the guy.”
Tina gasps, loudly. “Kurt, you could have got yourself killed!”
He laughs. “Trust me Tina, I know.” He wasn’t thinking about himself at all during that time, but when he thought about the event in hindsight, it was all he could think about. He had sort of almost died. “I probably would have died honestly, if not for Coach Beiste. I should really thank whoever hired that woman. She walked in and it was over…but Azimio’s outed Karofsky to the whole school, I’m quite sure, because they all know.”
“I would have never known he was gay,” she says softly. “All of the horrible things he’s said about you in the past…”
“It kind of makes it even sadder,” he says honestly. “I mean all those things he said, he was saying about himself. It sucks. I just hate that he trusted someone close to him too and that person turned their back on him, beat him and let it out to the entire school. I hated him for years, he targeted me and took my first kiss, and I kept it a secret.”
Tina seems overwhelmed by the information and just sits quietly. “I’m sorry,” she says.
It’s funny how she had no idea about the event, because it’s all he can think about. He spends the rest of the school day with Dave Karofsky on his mind. He cannot stop thinking about the boy: his struggles, how bad he hurts, just everything about him. It’s not fair that there people like Dave Karofsky in the world - so afraid just to be who they are.
He is so absorbed in his thoughts that he does not notice the boys following him.
A big hand lands on his shoulder and spins him around, pinning him against a locker. He looks up to find himself face to face with three members of the McKinley high hockey team. He’s seen them pal around with Karofsky and Azimio once or twice before. He’s scared, but looks confident. “What do you three want?” he asks, crossing his arms. This is the only way he knows how to deal with people like this.
“I think you know,” says the middle one, a tall, wide boy with short dark hair. “Thanks to you Hummel, our team is headed straight down the toilet. Azimio’s gonna get his ass expelled and Karofsky’s joined you in fagland and is useless. I think you deserve to pay us back for that.”
“I’m not a hockey fan,” he quips, trying to keep it up. He’s definitely afraid of them but won’t let it show. “I don’t see how I contributed to your team’s failures in the slightest.”
He takes off for his car, which in hindsight, he is going to see as a very bad idea. He just wants to get out. He’s followed. He stumbles, hitting the ground. A bigger body lands on top of his. For all of the awful things that have happened to him at McKinley High, he’s never exactly been totally beaten up.
It’s a weird thing to think just before a fist catches him in the stomach. He kicks the boy on top of him. It doesn’t do much. He tries to remember something from Cheerios practice last year. He presses a foot into the boy’s stomach and spins them around so that he’s on top.
The second boy lunges for Kurt but he’s stopped. Karofsky. It’s so cheesy that Kurt can’t help laugh, jumping up, a little winded.
“Ugh, seriously, just back the fuck off.”
Karofsky looks too tired to really fight anyone off, so it’s kind of a half-assed rescue attempt but it’s amusing at the least.
The guys are definitely laughing.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” one asks, laughing so ridiculously hard that Kurt rolls his eyes.
Karofsky groans. “Hummel, get to your car ok? Go home. I’ll handle this.”
“Handle it?” the third who hadn’t yet spoken asked. “Like Azimio woulda killed you if this one hadn’t got in the way.”
Kurt looks at Karofsky and knows it isn’t true. He had been thinking about the attack a lot lately and he knows that the bigger boy definitely let Azimio go at him, shocked and guilty and devastated by the loss of his best friend. He could kick ass if he wanted to.
“Look dude,” Karofsky says. “There are teachers right over there. I doubt you wanna be the next failure to the hocky team.”
While they’re contemplating this and Mr. Reed gets a little bit too close, Karofsky follows Kurt out to his car.