Title: The System (14/15)
Genre: Angst/Drama
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Rating: R
Word Count: 900 (ch 14)
Previous Chapters: Located at the directory
Kurt leaned in and kissed him back and he could swear that Noah Puckerman was positively glowing, the way he smiled. It was so sappy and romantic and that smile kind of melted his heart. “You know,” Puck said with raised eyebrows. “The amount of kissing we’ve been doing lately, I expect us to sing a sappy duet next Glee rehearsal that puts Finn and Rachel to absolute shame.”
Kurt smiled, bright. “Seriously?” he asked.
“They need to be knocked down a peg, or six,” he said. “Usually I tune Rachel out but c’mon, showing them up is so much fun.”
Kurt laughed softly.
"Do you know what kinda fit Finn had when I wanted to sing a duet with Sam? He thought I was gonna plunge him into a world of devastation and gayness with a single song.” He was still a little bit pissed off at Finn for that, but he knew he didn’t mean anything by it. Glee meant way too much to the boy. Rachel was starting to slowly rub off on him.
Puck rolled his eyes with an expression that Kurt found so cute. He had never once before they got close imagined that he would be so cute. "I would be honored to be plunged into a world of gayness with you."
Kurt's heart may or may not have fluttered a little at that. He yawned and leaned back on his bed. Puck shifted so his head was propped up on Kurt's knee. "You did really, really well with my dad today," he complimented.
Burt had definitely gone a little, "you hurt my son I'll kill you" on him but toned it down on Kurt's request. Kurt had practically begged him for that much. He reminded Burt that Puck had been through hell in the past few months and he didn’t need to talk to the crazy father with the flamethrower, not at all.
"He's a cool guy. He definitely does the stare down though. I hope he knows I meant it though. I won't mess with you."
Kurt nodded. "I won't mess with you either," he said.
"I'm more scared of that," Puck joked lightly. Kurt jostled his knee lightly, bouncing the boy some. "I haven't had a nightmare in a few nights, you know, but I really miss hanging here."
"You're always welcome, though dad will look at you like you're corrupting my innocence now."
"I'll leave your innocence intact," he said yawning a tiny bit. "But I still want my sappy gay love duet. We have to make em see who the real power couple at McKinley is."
"We've barely started dating," he said. Man, he was falling in love. So hard and so fast; he was glad that Mercedes saw firsthand the sappy looks that he gave Puck and got over her he’ll break your heart so fast routine.
"Eh so?We gotta rule. Show these kids who’s boss.”
“I’m so holding you up to that,” Kurt said seriously. “I could find a really sappy Broadway love song or something, then you’ll be regretting your decision.”
“I will not.”
He yawned a little bit and leaned closer. “Can I stay tonight?” he asked.
Kurt nodded, eagerly.
They both were kind of unfocused, distracted and dazed when Puck’s cell phone started ringing. “What the heck is that tone?” Kurt asked wincing. It was loud and shrill, probably one of the defaults that came on the phone.
“My mom’s tone,” he said as he picked it up. “Hey mom, what’s up?”
His face paled a little bit. Kurt watched concerned as he sat up and moved over towards the end of the bed. “Yeah. I’ll be there. Of course. I’m gonna sleep over at Kurt’s tonight but I promise I’ll be there, six am. Yeah, of course I’ll wake up. Yes, yes, its better if I stay with Kurt, trust me.”
He hung up the phone.
“Shit.” He mumbled low, looking at Kurt. “No new news on the corruption case. Looks like the juvie center is going down, but…”
He sighed low. “No witnesses aside from me are coming up in the case against him. My moral character is being brought into account and there’s a lot of talk from our lawyer that he could get thrown back into juvie, no new charges except the one’s he was in there for in the first place.”
Kurt watched his face fall, unsure of how to handle it. He looked devastated. “There’s got to be something we can do,” he said softly.
“I dunno…”
The uncertainty was very scary. Could a couple of technicalities and the center’s insistence on covering things up really get a rapist off free?
It was a horrifying thought.
“Come on,” Kurt said, putting on the strongest face he possibly could about the whole situation. “You gotta get to sleep. I’ll wake you up in the morning and even take you down to the courthouse, no problem at all.”
For all his strong behavior he was getting scared too though, scared for the person who meant so much.