#241: What principles are sacrosanct in your opinion?

Jul 25, 2008 10:22

The Jedi are hypocrites.

We’re not supposed to get attached to anyone or anything. Nothing is supposed to impede our connection to the Force, to being instruments of its mysterious will. All right, fine - but then why are we paired up as Master and Padawan? We purposely form bonds with each other that are forged in the Force itself - they’re stronger than any type of emotional or spiritual connection any sentient being can have with another. We spend years together, learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses, fine-tuning our perceptions of each other’s thoughts and moods and feelings. Sharing the day-to-day details of life in the Temple.

It’s pretty kriffing impossible not to get attached. And unlike the other Jedi, I didn’t grow up without knowing the love of a parent. Perhaps that pre-wired me to become more attached to the people in my life than the average Jedi…but I don’t know how anyone could live that closely with someone and not become attached to that particular person, at least.

Master Obi-Wan and I do have our differences. Ha! Understatement of the year, there. Yes, we argue, and he makes me so angry sometimes… but there’s nothing in the universe I wouldn’t do for him. If he were in trouble, if he needed my help and helping him would jeopardize our mission - well, mission be damned. Because he’s more important to me than whatever nameless, faceless beings we might be assisting.

Reason number thirty-seven that I’m not a good Jedi, right? But I’m a good friend. A loyal one. So to answer the question, I suppose I’d have to say loyalty to loved ones is sacrosanct.

And betrayal is unforgivable.

Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars
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