May 30, 2010 23:00

I will be the first to admit that I haven't been the most attentive of moderators lately. It's been a very long time since I've done an audit of my fandoms, due to a mixture of RL work duties and other distractions. Rather than do one now, and have to send out warnings to what looks like 99% of my muses, I thought I'd post a warning here first. (Seriously guys, I just went through the last month and there were only three current muses. 3 out of more than 60 muses. THREE. Out of SIXTY!!! I know I'm the pot calling the kettle black here, but wow. This is going to be a bloodbath, if there isn't some serious prompt posting.)

For all the muses in Books, Mythology and TV L-Z fandoms, I will be auditing those groups next weekend (June 5-6). And because the audit is so long overdue, I may have to do some cuts without warnings. It's just been too long. So here's what I'm going to do. Any muse I come across who hasn't posted a prompt reply in 2010 will be automatically removed. I figure anyone who hasn't had the time to do a prompt in the past 5 months has essentially abandoned the muse, and will be handled accordingly. For everyone else that's behind, as long as your most recent prompt was done this year, I will follow the usual warning system. If you have two warnings or fewer, you will get a warning to update before action is taken. Usually we operate on a 3 strikes and you're out - no warning - system, but since it's been so long since I audited, I'll make an exception this once and send warnings on the 3rd strike. But just this once.

Consider this post as a pre-warning. If your muse is behind, use this coming week to catch up and avoid having that warning on your record. If there is a reason you won't be able to update in the next couple of weeks, email me with a hiatus request. (To be current, you must have answered at least one of prompts #334, 335, 336 or 337. And by next weekend, #338 will be up, so to be safe, you might as well keep to the later numbers, otherwise you'll just be behind in another week.)

Also, I recently took over the Books fandom, so if anyone out there has been waiting to hear about a books muse, your email may have been lost in the shuffle, so feel free to send it again. The books email is now being routed to me, and I will be sure to respond within a week.

Cross-posting to muse_admin
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