Well its time for finals. Art final is done and props class didnt have one. so that leaves theatre history, rigging class, rendering, and advanced projects. But advanced projects is basicly done, just have to go in and show my display. I really dont want to do finals but I dont have a choice. Right now im just taking a break and then its back to the grind of working/studying.
I started looking at apartments in Bloomington (no not in IL, in IN duh!) Kinda narrowed it down to 2-3 places. I just need to look some more and then find a day to go and visit them.
Can't wait till the summer. Its going to be so relaxing i hope.
Lastly: anyone got $600 to spare? I want to build one of these
http://www.lumenlab.com/. Ill take check or cash. It seems like an easy and fun project. plus it would be great for my apartment next year.
Well back to work i go. arg.