Jul 14, 2008 21:35
I've decided I want to get married in Meredith. It is so gorgeous there and the lake is so beautiful. I am kind of bummed I won't get the chance to see anymore shows @ Lakes Region Summer Theatre. Hopefully next summer. Carosuel was absoulutley amazing! Another soundtrack I will get easily addicted to I have a feeling. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did because I hated the movie. The thing with musicals that have movies adapted to them is that I tend to be indecicve about which I like better. In some cases the play is much better than the film. Carosuel was a very energetic show. I think my favorite song from the show is June is bustin' out all over..follwed directly by If I Loved You. I can't help it if I love cheesy love songs. It was really nice to see my friends from the Barn Playhouse again and my former boss Nancy.
Speaking of theatre I will be so busy this week doing tech work for the play at the Boys' and Girls Club. They are doing Wonders of The World by David Lindsay Abaire. I am wicked excited to be working on another Abaire play. I had the biggest blast ever working on Fuddy Meers this past semester. People should definitly come see it. It opens on Thursday and runs til the 29th. Shows are 8pm M-S and 2pm matinee on Sunday.
The countdown til Italy is running down so fast. I am so stoked! It should be so much fun!