Fic: The Ones That Love Us (Sirius/Remus)

Oct 22, 2009 04:53

Title: The Ones That Love Us
Author: theatresweety
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 369
Prompt: lover100 044: Death
Summary: “Besides, the ones that love us never really leave us.” -Sirius Black
Warnings: Implied M/M. Character death.

Disclaimer: Basically, they're not mine I just like playing with them. So, don't sue me.

“Besides, the ones that love us never really leave us.”

-Sirius Black

The gravity of the situation hadn't really set in until Remus made it back to Grimmauld Place. Not until the rest of the Order had dispersed and went to lick their respective wounds. He hadn't really let things hit him until he sat, alone in Sirius' old bedroom, surrounded by annoying posters of semi-nude Muggle women on motorbikes and Gryffindor paraphernalia. It was only then, when he was well and truly alone, that reality crashed over him.

Sirius was gone. No, not gone. Gone implied he was missing or that he'd come back. Gone meant that any moment he'd come walking through that door and grin, tell Remus how 'bloody brilliant' his night had been and then he'd kiss him and apologize for worrying him. No, Sirius wasn't gone. Sirius was dead.

So, Remus sat there in Sirius' boyhood room, surrounded by his things and cried. The first wave crashed over him, engulfing the werewolf so completely that he was overwhelmed. Hot tears streaked down his scarred cheeks and stained his shirt. He let himself fall over onto the bed and despite the thick layer of dust on the sheets that he clung to so desperately, they still smelled of his love. Everything in here smelled of him.

Perhaps if he stayed up here, locked away in the past, he could pretend Sirius wasn't dead. He could spend his days pretending Sirius was off at work and his nights imagining his lover was running late. Remus could sit here and take in his scent and remember. As long as he remembered Sirius wasn't really gone.

He'd told Harry the same thing but somehow now it seemed so completely inadequate. Yes, if they kept him in his heart he'd never be truly gone, but he would also never be with them again. He'd never see that smile light up the room or hear that barking laugh. Never again would Remus feel that familiar tug of longing when he looked into glittering grey eyes or hear the sound of his voice.

Now, Remus was truly alone and he thought, perhaps, that this is what he'd deserved all along.

sirius black, remus lupin, prompt table, fanfiction

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