Crazy ass shit going down...

Oct 24, 2006 00:15

Holy Shit....

Okay, so the shit that went down at work tonight was crazy.

My co-worker, Bobby was called in this evening on disciplinary action because the other night, after the guests at his table had left the restaurant, he corked what was left of their bottle of wine (which was about a glass and a half) and he stashed it behind the bar.  After his shift he went out to his car while he waited for his roommate to finish her shift and he drank said bottle of wine.  Now while that's not illegal or cause for discipline (maybe frowned upon, but not something you can get in trouble for)  he was called in none-the-less.

Reza sat him down and talked to him and after everything was said and done it came down to Reza saying, "I know this isn't not allowed, but if I don't take action now no one will respect me"
No one fucking respects him anyways!
Bobby could have fought the decision, could have apologized, and would still have his job.  But Bobby was pretty much past caring.  He told us he has a few job options and that he was going to leave sooner or later and he's "glad to have Reza made up his mind for him so he can move on sooner."

Immediately following Bobby's departure from the building his roommate Kristen admits to us that she's got another job lined up at some place in KerryTown and that she and Kelly are totally out of here, in fact they've just put their two weeks in with Gwen.

I'm just standing there awestruck.
I mean my plan was much more... solid than what they're doing.  My plan is to get another job under the radar, cut back my hours at Mediterrano as the other job gives me more and more hours, and then once I'm ready to be full time at said other job I'll put in my two weeks.
Bobby doesn't have anything for-sure lined up.
And the place Kristen and Kelly are going to is the place in KerryTown that keeps going under.  I can't remember what it used to be called, but my Dad was telling me that the same people keep trying to start it up as something and it ends up being too much something else, and then it goes under.
I did tell Kristen and Kelly this - so they're informed - but they're still going.  Kristen was talking about going back to Big Boys. 
I just couldn't believe it.
Kelly could be a teacher if she really wanted to - she has a degree.... I don't know what's going on anymore.

I'm not taking any drastic action.
Reza could call Bobby up next week and offer him his job back, and Bobby could realize it's more difficult to find a good paying job than he thought, and might come back.
It won't have been the first time.
And I'll be glad I stayed.
The fact that we ALL stood there and said "I sure as hell don't want to work HERE anymore" doesn't mean that if things don't work out the way we'd hoped  that we wouldn't take the hand out if it was offered to us.
It should mean something.  We should be strong enough to walk away and not look back, but I'm pretty sure since it was so unexpected for all three of them, that it's not going to be so easy.

Next week is about to suck hardcore.
I'll barely have time to do ANYTHING, let alone find another job.  Good thing I have tomorrow lunch, Thursday and Friday off.

Bobby, Kristen and Kelly leaving has the potential to be like an avalanche effect...
I'm going to leave soonish.
They could bring Amy, Paul, Chris, Sarah,  Stacie, Becca, Dan and maybe a few others with them.
That's like half the staff - and they're NOT hiring new people at the moment...  Jesus Christ, if we take the new staff (3 people) with us, there may be no hope for keeping staff at that restaurant. 
I know that I always told new-hires "Don't worry, it gets better with time"  Just to get people to stick around.. .but if there's no one there to say that, and all their saying is, "Yeah, well our core staff just up and quit because of management"  No one's going to want to work there.
It's nuts.
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