The internet is really really great.... ____ _____!

Aug 30, 2006 14:37

Aaaaaand ....I'm back in the game!

Going strong... well maybe not strong... I have Strep Throat for like the third time in the past 12 months.  Last summer I almost passed out at work with strep throat, then in the fall I had it again when the whole "Do I have Mono?" thing was going on, and yesterday morning I woke up with the all too familiar symptoms.

Luckily I live literally across the street from my doctor, so I crawled out of bed and made my way across the street.

He was very negative, "It could be Mono again, or it could be Strep throat, we'll know if it's strep tomorrow, but it could be anything"   I was like, 'wow... that's reassuring...'

But he put me on steroids and they totally worked, my throat isn't as swollen as it should be, and I have a lot of energy.  Which is actually nice because I'd rather take advantage of my time off from work and get my apartment in order, than lay around feeling all gross and sickly...  I'm also on antibiotics so I'll be able to go back to work on Friday.

I've moved into my new apartment. It's very nice, spacious, cosy.   As soon as I'm unpacked, and organized and have some money I'm going to paint it!

I had a gathering with my co-workers last Saturday, I bought snacks and chasers, and they brought alcohol.
I got pretty drunk off of two beers and a couple shots of tequila.  Haha, me drunk is very amusing. Every time someone walked in the door I exclaimed with glee and launched myself at them.  (not that I don't do that anyways... haha but it was amusing)  Everyone told me they had a good time, it was actually pretty low-key, but good drinking took place, and good music, and good friends.  A bunch of people kept going outside to smoke, and at one point they all came back in and noticed all the snacks I'd gotten and were very overly excited about there being food.  I didn't really think about it until yesterday but I realized they must have gone out and smoked some pot, and come back in with the munchies...  haha.

I've got cable, and internet.  Soon to be wireless internet, and the cable guy split my cable so I have it in the living room and bedroom (no extra charge) heck  yeah!  I'm living it up.  All I need is the heating  and cooling guy to get in here with a new transformer so I can have airconditioning!!!  Somehow, apparently,  the transformer blew on my furnace...  very odd, but at least there's a solution.

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