Oct 12, 2004 02:55
Well, its once again been while since my last entry. Some stuff has been going on that i can't really type about. Family, friends, ect. All i have to say that im seriously looking at my life or lack there of; and trying to make a fix. I will be slowly letting go of people that consistantly drag me down and continually help me to make the wrong desicions.
I'm not saying that i won't talk to you ever again, but i am saying that we will mearly just be aquaintences, that is all, nothing more, nothing less; You know who yall are!
I will be updating when i can, when .........i can't say, but when i do i will be checking up on everyone else as well! Take Care, lots of Love and always REMEMBER:
"You can't help any one, till you help your self!"
Love Always,