You're kids are still fat because of YOU

Apr 01, 2007 13:26

Remember this post?
A quick recap: "I've heard people say it's the fault of companies for making commercials that appeal to children, and how dare they put the parents in a position where they must deny their kids Cocoa Puffs.
Here's a clue: that's called parenting. If you can't say "no" to your kids in the terms of snack foods then you have a much bigger problem than just their eating habits. When your 16 year old daughter brings "Weasel" home and asks if they can get matching tattoos, while your 13 year old son is busy pouting because he wants a genital piercing, what will you do? It starts somewhere you nitwits.
Children don't have money. It's true. Anything they have is what you give them.... So if you're at the grocery store and your six year old wants Cocoa Puffs, guess what? THEY AREN'T THE ONE SHOPPING."
There's the wildfire idea running through people right now that it's the government's job to police the Growing Obesity Epidemic. It's their job to tell you what you can eat because you can't do it for yourself. Yep, that's right. You are too stupid to eat.
And what's worse is that people are AGREEING. "Yes, that's right, I'm too stupid to eat, please tell me how it's done and please make laws about it."
It's been pondered in the States whether or not they should make advertising to children illegal. Well the States haven't jumped on board, but guess which country HAS?
What's more sickening is that if you read it closely you'll find this gem: "If you go into a supermarket there are, once again, sweets and chocolates at eye-level for a child at the till. Now we had a phase when that was banned and we didn't see it, but now they are creeping back again in some of the major stores - well, that's something that should be stopped instantly."
You're not even allowed to SEE the candy because you will not be able to control yourself! You do not deserve candy you stupid stupid people! Candy must be kept behind the counter at the end of the store where they keep the cigarettes, lighter fluid and pornography.
We live in an era where there is no personal responsibility and the result of that is the erosion of our rights. You may not think it's a big deal that you don't see advertising on TV for Snickers on Saturday morning, but think of the implications. If you can't see advertising then, they'll make it always. You can't advertise cigarettes AT ALL on television any more, and there are already quack doctors willing to testify that food is as addictive as cocaine (the catch being that you need food to, you know, live). And what does this do to advertising companies and their employers? You're going to have to get more creative in your marketing, but where? And the reasoning is, "you're not allowed to market X product on tv because if you eat 600 of them in one sitting you'll get fat." Well here's a hint: DON'T eat 600 in one sitting. If your kid whines about wanting a candy bar, tell them NO. YOU are the parent, YOU are responsible for the health and well being of your child, YOU. And for any idiot parent out there who pipes up, "I can't watch my kid all the time," you are both stupid and delusional. Stupid because a smarter parent would teach their child the values and importance of eating right (by introducing your child to a wide variety of foods instead of constantly pandering to what people think they want to eat). Delusional because you can't possibly think your child is out of your jurisdiction long enough to get fat. School lunches? MAKE THEM YOURSELF. I can guarantee none of the other kids are going to want to just give away their Snickers bars. Elementary schools don't even have vending machines.
Get a clue people, your kids are fat because of YOU, not the evil marketing boogie man. Grow a pair and learn to tell your kids no. Either that or start getting used to saying, "and this is my daughter and her husband, Weasel."

Meanwhile, zombies have been spotted wandering through England. And don't they look svelte? Death will do that do you, helps kick the pesky eating habit you can't be trusted with.
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