May 28, 2009 23:33
I'm going to IMATS again to compete in BOTH competitions! This hasn't happened since (and I'll have to double check my references on this) the show first began. Will anyone really notice or care? Not really.
Ideas for the Goth theme are swimming in my head. There will be A LOT of fake hair pieces (which I've made already thank god) and quite possibly some blood. Just a tiny bit. It won't detract.
The FX one is solidly in my head. If I can't find the right model then I have 2 other ideas. 1 involving a suit and another involving a break dancer.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so much to do! Did I mention I have preproduction for a film right in the middle of IMATS? I'm in charge of makeup/hair/clothes and need to buy the clothes 3 weeks in advance of shooting, do camera tests with all 3 and with blood (we're shooting RED). And I got whatever the hell my parents brought back from Alaska.