Busy week!

May 23, 2009 15:38

Monday - went to local hospital for physio - my first time travelling by bus since my illness. The therapist was great and has given me exercises to strengthen the muscles either side of my knees, and an exercise to strengthen my stomach muscles (this is to help with my core stability) Have to do these for a month and then go back.

Tuesday -dialysis

Wednesday -AM - mowed my grass - again something else i did for the first time since being so ill. Hard work and i needed to lie down afterwards but so glad I managed to do it

PM - decided to have a go back at Dramatheatrerama - so turned up for 7.30pm. Managed pretty well - loads of improvisation which I enjoy, and we've been given a song to learn (concert is planned for later in year) - 'One Singular Sensation' and given a few moves for the 1st section of it. Tried not to overdo things but was very tired afterwards.I think it was worthwhile though and will also help my recovery process, so plan to go next wednesday aswell.

Thursday - dialysis

Friday - went up to london by train to the office to have lunch with the girls and to see my boss who leaves next week. Again a journey I've not done since my illness so another milestone achieved this week. I did take taxi from Liverpool St station to make it easier on myself. Was great to see them all.

Today - 23rd - dialysis - now taking it easy for rest of weekend!
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