Semana Santa: a quick and easy lowdown of the week.

Apr 14, 2009 23:48

So the past week or so I've been on vacation with mi madre. I met her in London, we flew from london to Athens, and slept (kinda) in the airport until the next morning when we flew to Corfu, Greece, then we few from Corfu to Athens to London again and we spent a day in London, where I got to see Judi Dench perform live, and I met her afterwards. Then the next day we flew to madrid, spent the next day explore Madrid a little with my mom but the weather sucked so she didn't see as much as london and I think we were both getting a little worn out. She also broke her foot, really bad over christmas so even though she was pretty much healed, there still a small crack and her foot would swell. To be far we did a lot of walking especially for a broken foot, I was pretty much used to the walking but she wasn't obviously. It was really nice to take a vacation with my mom. She says we hadn't done a real vacation together in like 13 years, so it was very much deserved for her. I hope we can do it more often for her sake! And I love traveling. I figure I need to write in here more, I'm also keeping a hand written journal so I've been trying to keep up with that, I'm still behind, but I'm much closer than I have been so far in Madrid.
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