Annual Summer Goals

May 14, 2008 22:42

Okay so I know I'm working on Driving Miss Daisy so my obvious goal with that is to do the best I can and not screw up, because this is just an honor and opprotunity. But I have minor goals since I'm only doing 3 hours of Rep, that means I'm going to have some free time when I'm not memorizing lines, going over character stuff (which I've already started to an extent), or figuring out what I'm going to do for High School Workshop.


Get Ready to go to London (another obvious goal)

Reconstruct old clothing

Read: (Started) The last couple of hundred of pages of the 5th Harry Potter book
The 6th and 7th HP books

Reread The life of Pi in which I got close to finishing but never did

Reread Crime and Punishment which I don't think I finished (it was a senior english reading assignment)I also think I can appreciate it more now, if I feel like I can't then I won't reread it yet.

Reread "The giver" I never really read it, it was read to me in like 6th or 7th grade but I bought it for book club in high school, and I really really liked it, sometimes it was the reason why I wanted to go to school.

Read The Diary of Ann Frank

Read (I doubt it will happen this summer, The hobbit, and the Lord of the rings books)

Finish Putting together my NY and London Pictures in an Album

Put Production Pictures/news articles from Community theatre, High School Theatre, and College/Huron theatre in Albums/scrapebooks

Um thats all I can think of now, hopefully this is all doable, I've already started some of them

Oh yeah and exercise so I can be in decent shape for Rose Bruford!!!
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