Apr 26, 2009 08:17
Sometimes I wonder if you can have it all. Jessica seems to think so. Its crazy because I had this wonderful career day. Found out I have a freelance manager pretty much. All that jazz, yay, thank you! But thats not what this post is about. Then 2 days later I meet someone for drinks and get slammed, litteraly, with this urge to be in a relationship. Out of no where. Bam. Ofcourse I dont have one and am no where near having one. Yaaaay great career day, whoooa low of lows personally. Which makes me question, can we ever have it all?
When I was in Chicago we got so frustrated in rehearsal and I suddenly felt any urge or desire to be with somenoe else right now flea. Almost in an angry flea too. I guess it was going to get in the train it hit me with a week and a half later!
And I don't want to be one of those people who thats all they talk about. Some kid on my facebook had set his status to that song "'I'd rather be sailing... and then come home to you.' only I don't have anyone to come home to." Let me make it CLEAR I DO NOT want to be that kind of person, or viewed as such. Because I read it and promptly rolled my eyes and threw up in my mouth a little.