Can I get an AMEN???

Jul 09, 2005 01:36

There hour is 1:15AM and here's what is on my mind:

This rant will be titled: People and the games they play.
By: Me (obviously people, lets get with it. I know its late, but please, keep up).

Why the fuck don't people ever say what is on their minds? It would make the fucking world turn so much more smoothly if everyone stopped dicking around with how to say things, or my personal favorite, How "not" to say things, but still get your point across.  To all of these people I say, "Fuck you." Speak up, say what's on your mind. Plain and simple.

People are so fucking involved with their emotions and how to "control" them, that they have forgotten how to share them. People, open the fuck up and say what's on your mind. Seriously, there is no better way to ease your mind than to say what's bothering it in the first place.

If you think about it when you're upset, or stressed with a person you spend so much time trying to figure what your going to say to them to hint that there is an issue, instead of just fucking saying, "Hey, we have a problem." People have become so consumed with the hidden messages, and reading between the lines, and the one that really gets me going, "If they knew me well enough, they would already know there was a problem." What *space* the *space* fuck!? You're kidding me right? Fuck the double-entendres, screw hidden meanings, and for the love of life TO HELL with they should already people make me sick. ***Note*** WE'RE NOT FUCKING MIND READERS!!!!  I don't know what's on everyone else's minds and I sure as hell don't presume to think that you know what the hell is on mine! That's just how it works kids.

If you want something, say what it is you want.
If you need something, let someone know.
If there's a problem, tell someone and you can work it out, together.

Do Not: Try to "hint" towards an issue
Result: You'll be gravely depressed and dissapointed when they don't figure it out. Well sweetie, let me tell you, its not their fault that you're a psycho who is completely insecure about letting their true feelings show. So don't get mad at them when they don't give the answer you were fishing for, or look puzzled, or completely ignore what game it is your trying to play. Because ultimately it's you're own goddamn fault for playing these childish games in the first place.

Do Not: Presume that we know...or "should" know.
Result: You will not get what you're looking for. Why? BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW YOU'RE LOOKING FOR IT. Remember kids, we can't read minds. Write that down and stick it in your pocket. Keep it safe.

Ultimately, what I'm trying to say for the poor souls out there that are hooked on Phonics and have yet to pick up on my not too subtle message: SAY WHAT IS ON YOUR FUCKING MIND. No sugar-coating. No games. No double meanings. No side expectations. Its all you, say whats on YOUR mind.

People this is the only way problems get solved. When you say what is on your mind.
It may be ugly, people may not agree, you may fight, but you're problems will get solved one way or the other.
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