Happy St.Pattys Day!!!

Mar 17, 2005 22:05

Happy St.Patricks Day! Although it rained ALL day, it was still an ok day. I must have a real boring life for nothing exciting to happen. I got some new games and stuff for my palm one handheld organizer thingy. Its really fun! Tomorrow is the last show for "Of Mice and Men" :( It has been a great show!! It's sad to see it end. Hopefully I'll be cast in something next year. If not, o well, life goes on. For theatre history, we are going to be given a really stupid project. I mean, its fun but just the whole grading is stupid. We have to combine with Mr.Horvath's class and be split into groups and have directors. Then each group must come up with a story for a soap opera. Then, roles have to be cast and we have to do publicity for it and make porfolios and all this crap. And its going to be 80% of our grade!!! And the dumb thing only lasts 5 min.!!! The greek tradgedy projects we did were worth less than that and we worked on it for weeks and it was 25 min. long. I just don't get why we have to do so much for so little! If it was longer, then that would be fine, but 5 min?!?!?! That's just too short. I'm gonna like Mr.Horvath's 4th hour project better for intro. to drama. I'm soo excited. I really hope I get cast in something! Well, that's about it! I'll write again later!
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