The Best of Times: The Music of Our Lives

Jun 04, 2006 18:01

To put it simply, the CMC's Pride 2006 concerts went very well. For the first time, I wasn't as worried about the chorus pulling it together and presenting a great performance as I have been in the past. Maybe it was the music this time around, but the men seemed to get it together and we presented a great concert. My solo went very well, which makes me very happy (BTW I love hamming it up for an audience when I can ~_^).

Both nights went very well. On Friday night, the audience included kybearfuzz and also my good friend Chris and his boyfriend, Eric (Ricco), from Louisville. They called me about 5pm and told me they were coming up. It really made my evening. After the concert, Chris, Ricco and I went to Universal Grille (formerly known as Hamburger Marys) for a late dinner. Essentially, UG is about the same as Marys, in my opinion, with a few differences (the names of some of the items and the prices). It doesn't bother me really, but I'm hoping this is just the beginning of new things for the restaurant.

Saturday night, Jim came to the concert. It went very well and we also had a lot of fun (I'll never look at a hankie the same way again LOL). It was an even better audience and I got a lot of positive feedback from the solo and also the concert in general. I loved it. Afterwards, Jim and I went to Serpent. Over Memorial Day weekend, I got some chaps and I wanted to try them out. They work ;-). Too bad it was extremely crowded and none of my favorite bartenders were working, or I might have had a better time. Trident Midwest was hosting a blackout party, which made for not-so-great times.

Today, I woke up early due to stomach problems and have been resting all day. The CMC cast party is today, as well as the drag races, but I just don't feel up to leaving the apartment. I think I will rest up as tomorrow I will actually work a full work week for the first time in a couple of weeks. Hope everyone else had a good weekend...

weekend, concert, pride, cmc, jim

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