Thanksgiving 2005 Week/Weekend Part I

Nov 29, 2005 16:32

I've been off work for too long for Thanksgiving week to even try and write out the entirety of my holiday festivities in one post. SO, bare with me as I give it to you in sections. They won't be brief, but I hope you take the chance the read them.

I'll the beginning...

So, on Tuesday night after work, I went to go so a sneak preview of the movie version of RENT. My friend Chris from Louisville was due to come up and see it with me and, due to a twist of fate, I was able to get another pass for my friend Robbie. Thank God I was able to get the extra pass...

When Chris came up a couple of weekends agom we talked about the movie version of RENT. I told him I had a free pass to the screening and he jumped on the idea, although he was not sure he wanted to see the movie (he's seen the live version 6 times...the bastard...). So, we developed a plan: He would come up and see the show and then take me back to Louisville with him. That way I would be back in Louisville for the Thanksgiving holiday and get to spend a little time with him before all that happened. It seemed like a good idea, but I was worried because I had sort of promised Robbie that we would go. So, I gave Chris a "maybe" and talked to Robbie. Robbie understood completely and I told him that I would try to get another pass if I could so we could all go. I also figured that I would really like the movie anyway and that he and I could go another time (and I would pay). I shot an email to Chris letting him know the plans were a go and then did what I could to snag another pass. Know gave me the first pass, and I assumed that Jay had others. I also signed up to see if I could get one from work as they offered them as well. The work one fell through and by Monday, I didn't have another pass. I also hadn't heard from Chris.

It turns out my email to Chris (although we're both on AOL) went into his spam folder. He didn't get it until Monday night. Turns out he had a meeting until 4pm on Tuesday. He would have been able to make it, but he would have been very late (my email made plans to meet up about 5:30). Between that, I got in touch with Jay who said he had an extra pass and then I called Robbie to see if he wanted to go. And he did. We were set to meet at my apartment about 5:30 or so. I finally got a hold of Chris via cell. I explained to him that Robbie was coming along as well (whom he met during his last visit here) and he figured it was going to be a while before he even left Louisville. We decided to just meet up at Newport on the Levee, with Robbie picking me up and taking me there. It's a good thing we decided to do that.

Upon arriving at the Levee, Robbie and I stayed around to group of the theatre people (including Jay where I got my extra pass) and just chilled. We soon departed to head up to the theatre. I called Chris to find out his ETA, and he wasn't sure, but it would probably not be until 7! I quickly came up with a plan: Robbie and I would go in on his pass and I would keep mine. When (and if) Chris showed up, I would exit the theatre, find him, and reenter on my pass. Unfortunately, there was a LONG ASS line for the preview. I was totally not expecting that. However, Robbie and I were able to get in and also save three seats (one for each of us and one for Chris). They started seating people around 6:45. After 7 rolled around, I called Chris for a check-in. He had just reached I-471 from I-275. YIKES! He was about 10-15 minutes away. The passes clearly stated that they weren't going to allow latecomers in. However, after calculating the time, it seemed like Chris would arrive right at 7:30pm. So, I decided to see if I could leave the pass at the desk for him to pick up. Although they were hesitant at first, they allowed me to! *score* I made my way back to Robbie and waiting for the movie to start and/or Chris to arrive.

Soon enough, the previews started. Still no Chris (he was to call me cell when he got to the theatre). The previews are over. Still no Chris. The movie starts and begins with a beautiful rendition of "Seasons of Love." My cell vibrates. It's Chris! I make my way quickly out of the theatre and try to find him. Turns out, he's in another theatre which is also playing RENT and, after some initial confusion, we find each other and make our back to Robbie to watch the movie. *sighs*

Now, how was the movie, you may ask? I was WONDERFUL! I LOVED IT!!! Although it's slightly out of sequence with the Broadwat version and there are a couple of songs cut out and the time frame of the initial meeting was stretched out, it did not take a lot away from the show. I'm being polite and not writing any spoilers. Going into the movie, I was concerned about the two actresses that were not a part of the original cast (Rosario Dawson as Mimi and Tracie Thoms as Joanne). Would they be able to pull the roles off vocally and acting? I liked Rosario as Mimi, but I think there could have been a little more done. However, she captured the youthful, sexual nature that is Mimi very well. And I applaud Tracie Thoms as Joanne. She was magnificent! A perfect counter to Idina Menzel's Maureen. I must also give praise to the sexy Jesse L. Martin as Collins! It was just beautiful!! The power and message behind the show was definitely there. I will be seeing it again! I laughed a lot, I cried a little, I "oohed", I "aahed", and I sang along with a majority of it. It was brilliant! ;-)

After the movie, Chris and I made our goodbyes to Robbie and swung by my place to grab my luggage and then promptly hit the road. The drive wasn't too long (although Chris said he wasn't going to speed the way he did getting up here hehehe), and we made to Louisville around midnight or so. We went to Denny's (the supposed "gay" Denny's), only to find it closed with a sign saying they were to close at 12:30am. Chris called the manager and she said that she needed to close so they could clean up. Well, if the sign says 12:30 and it's only 12am, you shouldn't be closed! Oh well, we hit Jerry's, a local 24/7diner place like Denny's, and then made our way to Chris's place. We relaxed in the hot tub with some wine and then made our way to bed. We were both tired after the long day. Chris had to work in the morning anyway, so our time together was short-lived, as I needed to get over to my mom's place anyway....


louisville, thanksgiving, rent, home, theatre

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