An update...

Mar 25, 2006 01:31

Well, I've officially issued my first bid set documents. We should see how well I did in a week or so when the questions/clarifications may start coming in. And in a few months, we'll see how I *really* did, as they begin construction. The whole process took a bit longer than it should've, but it was baptism by fire. A few late nights this week, but I actually feel comfortable about it all, now that it's done. This will all be easier next time around, right?

Moving on to the NCAA men's bracket. I got 75% right for the Elite Eight. All-in-all not too bad, as I had neither George Mason nor Wichita in the 16. Then again, how many people did? I had the 16 75% right too, so I think it's all in pretty good shape. Of course, I'm only doing this for fun; there's no money on it. If there were, you know I'd have gotten 75% wrong. Just because.

I'm a bit worried about the Woody cat. He's as affectionate and talkative as ever. (And has taken a liking to batting Q-tips around the floor). But, he's throwing up a bit-food, not hairballs-and his stool is a bit soft. I think there might even have been blood in it the other day. As I'm still paying for my ER visit back in January, I'm none too anxious to add vet bills to the tab. And besides, I really want him to be okay. On his own, overnight, miraculously, I mean.

I have a belt test in the morning (11AM). I probably should be sleeping rather than typing to get ready for it! At any rate, wish me luck!
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