Feb 12, 2003 21:55
Well, I guess it's best to write as soon as you are feeling something, so here I go!
Why does he have to frustrate me so much!!!! Valentine's Day and my birthday are 2 SEPARATE days. Just b/c they HAPPEN to be 2 days in a row DOESN'T mean they are the same day. And giving me my birthday present at MIDNIGHT on my birthday doesn't make it all better. I came home to spend BOTH Valentine's Day AND my birthday with him, I don't want them all pushed together! Maybe I'm asking too much, but I wanted him to plan something great for us to do on Valentine's Day (which, until I told him that I wanted HIM to plan something, he decided (without informing me) that it was going to be all up to me since "we are going to be in my neck of the woods." Then, on the NEXT DAY, I wanted him to go to his interview stuff in the morning, while I stayed home and did my stuff, and then I saved Saturday night for him, so we could THEN do something for my birthday. But now, I'm starting to wonder why I'm even going home?! I could've stayed here and my family would've come and visited me and I'd be perfectly happy!!! But instead, he wanted to be with me for Valentine's Day AND my birthday, so I'm coming home, and now he just ruins it all! So much for my perfect weekend :\