
May 18, 2008 14:49

I must say, it's really a crying shame that this game got such a lukewarm reception outside of Japan. I think the F!S post that started this does indicate that there are certainly fans out there, we just have to find them and try to draw them in before we can create any kind of a fandom at all.

Perhaps we should try to get our respective f-lists interested?

Anyway, welcome to everyone. The only rule I have is play nice or else I'll have to interject and break up your arguments with somewhat arbitrary rules about exactly how mean you can be to one another. I'm not bothering to write it down because I doubt we'll run into that problem, unless there's a ship war about who gets to be with Ridley just waiting to emerge.

Enjoy your stay, and please promote us to fellow fans whenever possible!

To those of you who I solicited to come here: Thank you for not shooting me, and I hope you join up. If you would like to tell me that I'm being rude, please direct your ire to my personal journal.
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