May 24, 2004 19:10
wow....this weekend HAD to be one of the best out of all of my short 17 years here.....i swear ... omg
hmm...chem exam lol...came home...waited for ket to call lol....but yea.....then went to Ghost :::smile:::....good show....very good show. Thankx guys for comin....we had TOO much fun at Friday's....whole cast...damn near 50 people lol....then anna bridg dave and frank walk in...and of course....wil laur and i automatically join them. The night was filled with shoppin carts, lawn mower and pineapple dances, les mis and loud singing...and LOTS of food!!! lol....omg....i luv u guys!!! thankx for the good night
well....slept late as shit (or tried to) my mom wakes me up...soo cute....and asks me to go out to breakfast with of course...i cant deny her i get my 4 hours of sleep ass up lol and get in the car.....we went out to breakfast and talked.....talked about everything....what a good then, after errands.....we go back home and begin to talk my dad into letting me spend the night over justino' wasnt too happy about the idea....but went along with it. AWESOME PARENTS!!! so yea....finally....went to ghost....awesome show (yet again)...yea john....what!!! u missed it!!! neway lol....bridg and wil came yet again (awesome friends those two) and completely made my night.....THEY GOT ME FLOWERS!!!! i almost cried (almost) parents got me flowers as well.....i felt sooooo awesome!!! tiff and christine and thomAS came lol .... they got my a yea...good show......then (as i am completely feeling sad b/c laur wil and bridg were goin out )....i follow justino to his house is east PARTY!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! Though when i first got their i felt sooo out of place....ok so here it goes:
got there at like 10:30 and aleady there were people yea....justino is gettin agravated cause there are madd people there that he doesnt kno (hahah thats what u get...his parties are infamous)....but yea...after a while....i made friends and i started to have fun....finally erin shows up lol.....had more people were completely smashed....omg!!! five people threw up....two on the damn rug!!!!! ewwwww.....but yea.....the night was fun some guys pissed himself.....and some girl thought she got raped.....SOME PEOPLE JUST SHOULD NOT DRINK......ASSHOLES!! so yea...justino finally got tired at like 4 and started shuttin off all the lights (ok...big the woods....scary as shit in the dark) but yea....i basically clung to him and we finally went to bed at liek 4 something....whenwe got is his room karyn and...damn i forget her name...but another were in, mind u, there were three gurls and justino on sleepin on his bed (i kno....lucky guy)....but yea....justin definitely got NO blanket whatsoever....he freezed his ass off....HAHAHAHAHHA lol
so yea....i got his ass up at like 8 (mind u i didnt sleep at all....and HE SNORES!!!!) But yea.....get him up and we start to clean...::::sigh:::... this is how u kno he's rich/.......HE DIDNT EVEN KNOW IF HE HAD A DAMN VACUUM CLEANER.....HE HAS A CLEANING LADY!!! oh do u not a leave justino's at like 9 something...(last person to leave) and i go home.....i get changed eat adn i'm on my way to west philly to pick up my cousins......after that we were on OUR WAY TO SIX FLAGS BABY!!!!! YEAH!!!! omg ...madd fun!!!!! yo.....that new ride...SUPERMAN....that has to be TH BEST COASTER EVER!!!! OMG I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN SUCH A RUSH FROM A ROLLER COASTER!!!! wow!!!!....gawd we had fun!!!! so yea....rush home at like 4....get home by 5:30.....dropped my cousins off at my house....and rushed my little ass off to ghost.....OUR LAST SHOW!!! sigh......and man.....what fun that last show was.....i think this show was by far one of the ost rewarding shows ever......but yea......good times.....full house....senior goodbyes.....and yea...GREAT AMERICAN!!! again wil frank rob and dave come out with us!!! gawd guys.....could i have ne more fun with u guys!!!! yea...justin with his jealousy and oru ice wars.....wil with his making justin even worse here goes this synopsis:
rob calls...i call him back....i force him to come to great american.....i get there pretty late and pull over a chair next to stino...after chris calls him my man...and he agress lol....laur comes over and tells me that she is gettin an extra table for wil me dave rob frank herself and of course i'm like yea...i'll sit wit ya'll......and justin had a fit!!! him and i are arguing like an old married couple....and i tried (with out success) to convince him that my friendship with wil is not comin in bettween our friendship....but of course...he pouts...gets up from the table and says "i'm goin to the bathroom...if ur not here when i get back, i wont be surprised"....we of course.....that starts the consiste dof ice throwing.....lookin through my purse....evil stares across the resturant.....catty words....and even trying to break up wil and i hugging!!!!! lol....omg!!! he is a mess!!! pat magee and ryry and jay showed up...and like made my night!!! wow....i was soo happy!!! BABY BITER!!!! wow lol....omg!!! then ry stino and chris did their NUN DMC luv them....justin....rappin....odd concept lol.....but yea....good times....we had fun....everybody ate and I luv play yea...wil frank dave and rob leave at like 11...damn u spreadies!! lol...and justin and i left shortly after....after having a contest to see who could survive ice of their skin the was tied...even though he tickled me ..CHEATER!!!! ...we had an actual serious talk.....then we left....i got home...and talked to wil till damn near 2 o'clock in the morning.....wil i luv ya....we gotta make a pact to stop being soooo damn stubborn....i dont like arguing with u ....i love u !!!
span and trig exams....i'm sick as shit...get home sleep till 4...oscar wakes me up lol...we talk for a while...i missed her....i missed talkin with i drove her hoem and realized that i missed an audition today.....i was tooo sick to be worth nething ne way....i called and explained....hopefully they;ll let me make it up.....if not...oh well...shit happens....kt called me....good to hear from her...talked to nat for a li bit....she's a sweetie....hope will calss tonight...i'm thinkin of callin stino and tim....i feel like talkin to mah boyz lol...i have to give tim his cd and jacket back lol...i should hold it for ransom....hahahahha.....but yea...adios
ahh well of for now....gotta type my resume....:::sigh::::...i feel like hell run
i need some cheering up....maybe tomorrow will bring happiness.....
gawd...pray for me....tomorrow i'm getting my head shots done....gulp....i hope i look at least a little above shitty....i need good headshots lol
:::live lovin lovin livin ..its all good!!:::