Feb 01, 2006 21:40
you know its junior year when:
*you are scared to miss school
*going to bed early is 11
*the only way to get through the day is to pop pills in the morning
*lunch isnt a social time its a "if i annotate this now, i can outline later" time
*most of your conversations are about homework
*you WANT to go to musical rehearsal to get away from homework
*no evaluation weeks = love
*when you see mrs. hastings you automatically tense up becuase you dont know the answer
*when you have been counting down the days until its over (starting on the day you got your summer assignment book)
*even though you are hella stressed, you still sign up for APs for senior year
134 days (till the end of the school year)
92 days (till the AP US exam)