Interview with Erik Kripke, why season 5 left a bad taste in my mouth and why I don't know if I'll be watching season 6.
Thanks to
agt-spooky for the heads-up My only concern is the one I've always had, Super!Sammy!Special!Powers, I've been over Sam's special status for a long time now, we finally got a emphasis on Dean and on why he in himself is special, and not just in the Xander way, but because he was chosen and at the last minute that got thrown out for Adam taking over for him as Michael's vessel which I don't think was necessary and based on canon, wrt to the bloodlines, impossible. Not to mention they dicked up Michael and Lucifer in a way that hadn't been established. Up until the finale Lucifer never, ever came across like he truly wanted to hurt Dean, if anything he seemed to cherish Dean not only for being Michael's vessel but because of who Dean was, same with Michael, the few times he was with Dean he never seemed to want to hurt Dean, he wanted to make him understand, then last episode massive douchiness from both of them. Castiel's last few episodes made me loathe a character I liked from jump and WANT him dead and all these things concern me because all of the sudden character changes came about because they were getting another season.
It doesn't fill me with confidence.
WRT season 6 and fandom:
This fandom needs to grow the hell up, it's okay for Dean to love Lisa or Castiel or both. It doesn't negate his love for Sam. It doesn't 'destroy the brothers' and frankly to me it would be interesting to me to see how Dean dealt with getting the rest and normality he's wanted so desperately for so long (as shown explicitly in What Is and What Should Never Be) and balance that with knowing what is out there and the need to hunt. How do you balance those two sides? And that's without Sam's reappearance, Castiel and Crowley's weird ally/potential lover status and Lisa trying to figure out what to do with this clearly PTSD dude in her home. These are all interesting and much more layered things to me but from the sound of things none of these will be explored.
I will say that the Campbell family history is interesting to me and I look forward to seeing Mitch Peliggi interact with the boys as well as the return of Rufus but Sera Gamble's obsession with getting Jared naked on screen, the emotional re-wind back to Dean needing Sam and Sam running away instead of them being on equal emotional and power footing and seeming lack of an overall arc bother me a great deal.
Kripke always said he saw the boys in very Star Wars terms: Sam as Luke, Dean as Han. Maybe if he'd seen them more on the terms of Luke and Leia we'd have a more balanced show: Luke was obviously important, he had special powers that he didn't even know about and could barely control and grew into a skilled warrior and pilot who no matter what could find good in just about everyone and guess what? That didn't negate the awesomeness of his twin. Leia was a freaking badass, a chick with no special powers (that she knew of) who stood toe-toe with Darth Vader and all the forces of the Empire and still, knowing that they were pointing a giant gun at her planet still didn't blink, someone who literally led others into battle repeatedly and didn't cling or beg but let the people she loved do what they had to do even if she didn't like it.
I wish that had been the basis for Sam and Dean, I wish they'd been more balanced from day one the way Luke and Leia were, who loved each other unconditionally from the day they met but always respected and supported the decisions the other made and never, EVER made the other one feel like shit like Sam has on many, many occasions to Dean or expected the other to just do what they wanted no matter how utterly stupid it was.
I just don't know how much more of this I can hang with. I stuck with Buffy to the bitter end even as the other characters/fandom treated her like shit repeatedly as if every sacrifice she made were nothing compared to their angst and as if their repeated and earth shattering fuck ups were no big deal (I'm looking at you Willow, Giles and Xander) and they were never ever taken to task for their bullshit. I don't know if I can do it again with Supernatural. Sam, Castiel and Bobby have each taken advantage of and treated Dean like utter shit this past year, Castiel and Sam being the biggest and worst offenders and yeah towards the end Sam got his shit together and realized just what he had in his brother but after four years of borderline abusive behavior it was too little too late for me. Castiel LET SAM OUT OF THE PANIC ROOM and TURNED ANNA OVER TO BE TORTURED and both the fandom/writers act like that shit didn't happen and was no big deal, meanwhile Castiel spends the last few episodes treating Dean like shit and as if he's the reason for Castiel's problems as opposed to the choices that Castiel and his angelic brethren made to start this war in the first place.
It's disgusting and pisses me off and it's a pattern with this show that has not and probably will not change.