Jan 10, 2006 20:01
1. How tall are you? 5'3"
2. Do you own a gun? No, and don't plan to either.
3. Rehab? .....no thank you?
4. Have you ever killed an animal? Uhm, a gerbil once by accident when I was a kid, and numerous insects.
5. Are you Irish? On my mom's side.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I'm not much of a fan, but every now and then I get a craving for Gray's Papaya hot dogs. Mmmm....
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? I think it's probably the Barbara Streisand version of Jingle Bells. It's Jingle Bells on fucking crack - it's insane! Have you ever heard it?!
8. What is your favorite smell? I really like the smell of vanilla. I also like the smell of roses, Nag Champa incense, coffee and clove cigarettes.
9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee with French Vanilla creamer. :)
10. Do you do push-ups? I'm going to keep Stephanie's answer: If the girl underneath wants me to.
11. Have you ever done ecstasy? Yes.
12. Have you been shot? Well, the gun didn't discharge a bullet, but it should have.
13. Have you ever been hospitalized? Not overnight, no.
14. Do you like painkillers? Unfortunately.
15. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? I very rarely feel compelled to lure in the opposite sex. However, to lure in the ladies, my secret weapon is my enormous penis. Okay, I'm kidding. I don't really think I have a secret weapon.
16. Do you own a knife? A few. I stole Nicky's switch blade a while back - that one's my favorite. He can have it back when he returns my "The Last 5 Years" CD.
17. Do you have A.D.D? I've never been clinically diagnosed with...wanna ride bikes?
18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? Oh God yeah. =)
19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Coffee, Coke, Diet Coke, Mt. Dew, Heinekein.
20. What's In Your CD Player? The intermission music from Parallel Lives, "Zanna, Don't", Ani Difranco, Josh Groban, and Tori Amos.
21. What's Under Your Bed? My past.
22. Current Hair? Short and spikey...like it's been for the past ten years now.
23. What are you wearing? My work uniform - hideous khaki-esque pants and a cream colored polo shirt 2 sizes too big.
24. Current Worry? Getting on a compatible work schedule with Sarah.
25. Current Love? Sarah.
26. Current Hate? The drama being caused by an ex not worth naming.
27. Favorite Place To Be? In Sarah's arms.
28. Least Favorite Place To Be? Standing in line. Just about anywhere. I'm not very patient.
29. Can you play an Instrument? Flute. And I sing.
30. Favorite Color(s)? Red and black. I'm kind of partial to pink as well. Don't tell anyone.
31. Person(s) From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? Uncle Gerry. He's going to be the answer to this kind of question for a long time, I think. Also wish I could slam a beer or two with Erin. And it'd be great to see Duffy and Aurora. ::sigh:: I need to travel.
32. Where Would You Like To Go? New York City, Seattle, San Fran, LA, Paris, Germany, Tahiti, Hawaii. You name it. I'll go. Except Delaware. I don't really want to go to Delaware.
33. Where do you want to live? Uhm...if I could live anywhere I wanted - happily - I'd probably go to NYC. I'd like to have a house somewhere like Astoria, Oregon too.
34. Favorite food? I just ate some really good French Fries, so they're on my mind right now.
36. Number of pillows you sleep with? 1
37. What do you wear when you go to sleep? Pajottoms! What a great word! And usually a t-shirt or wife beater.
38. What were you doing 12:00 A.M.? Hugging Sarah while we both drifted in and out of sleep.
39. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? Wondering how I made it to 36. Eew. Thirty-six. Hopefully I'll be succesful, working as a writer/director/actor - teaching overpriced theater and improv classes in a city with a bustling economy and artistic community, in a happy long term relationship - living in a beautiful house. Maybe I'll have a theater company/piano bar by then. Maybe a kid. Who knows?
41. First piercing/tattoo? Uhm, ears when I was 13 I think. My first "real" piercings were my nipples at 15, and my first tattoo were skulls. I was hard core, yo.
43. Latest crush? Sarah.
44. Last thing you ate? French Fries!
45. If you could be a pirate, would you be? I am a pirate.
46. Do you have an iPod? What the hell is an iPod?
47. When and why did you last vomit? What a nice question. Uhm...I'm not sure I remember. I think it was during that whole bottle of red wine thing, but I don't quite recall...
48. What's in your pockets right now? A list of accomplished publicity for The Vagina Monologues.
49. What color are your bedroom walls? What bedroom? Have you seen my apartment?
50. Last thing that made you laugh? Christopher giggling high pitched at me.
51. Any pets now? No. Don't rub it in.
52. Innie or an outty? Innie.
53. Do you have any piercings? One nipple, ears, and tongue. Sounds like ingredients for a spell. "Double double toil and trouble, nipples burn and tongues will bubble..." Maybe that's just me.
54. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Gay. Wait, what was the question?
55. Have you ever won any awards? I have three Tonys, two Grammies, an Emmy, and 5 Oscars. I haven't won any awards since high school theater competitions. I try not to compete. I don't think it's healthy. ;)
56. How many TV's do you have in your house? One. What house?
57. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone? Someone broke my rib once, and I've probably broken fingers and toes.
58. What is your nickname? Day, Dae, Alexis (only to a select few)
59. If you could pick one person to make out with who would it be? Survey says - SARAH!
60. What do you think of the person who posted this before you? She's quite a funny little thing.
61. What are your initials? DMC. Yeah, like Run. I know.
62. Ever been given a ring? A few.
63. Longest Relationship? Uhm, like a year and a half.
64. Last gift you gave? Something to someone for Xmas, I'm sure. I gave Nicky a bobble head Stewie from Family Guy.
65. Last gift received? A book about Underwear!!
66. How many times have you dropped your cell? Oh, once a day for three years. At least. Dropped it behind Sarah's nephew's bed after she went to work while the alarm was going off. That was a fun thing to try to find without my glasses.
67. Last sport played? Sport? What is this sport you speak of?
68. Where do you live? Scottsdale. Technically.
69. High school you attended? Sabino High School
70. Cell phone service provider? T-Mobile. Stay away.
71. Favorite mall store(s)? Spencers, Hot Topic, Express, Gap, Bombay Company, The Discovery Channel Store....
72. Longest Job held? Consecutively? Uhm...a little under a year?
73. Do you prank call people? Only friends. :)
74. Last wedding attended? Mine. Two years ago on the 9th, actually. Heh heh. Oops.
75. First friend you call if you won the lottery? (Assuming Sarah would already know) TRACI!
76. Last time you attended church? What's church? Probably when Jason and I went to that Baptist Church after spending the previous night at Rocky Horror...was that 1996?
77. Favorite Lake? I don't think I know any lakes. Personally.
78. How many Harry Potters book you've read? All of them thus far.
79. Why are you taking this survey? Because I'm at work. What else am I supposed to do?
80. Fav Fast food restaurant? McDonalds. No, Del Taco. No! Taco Bell. No - Carl's Jr. Jack in the Box!
81. Biggest lie you've heard? I'm sorry.
82. Where do you work? At a ritzy resort where I'm overworked and underpaid.
83. Has a girl ever given you flowers? I was given an entire white rose bush once.
84. Whats your favorite flower? White roses.
85. Can you cook? I'm a damn good cook, to tell you the truth.
86. Car you drive? Busted ass Ford Explorer.
87. Worst kisser? Some of those boys I had to kiss during Kiss My Ass in high school.
88. Most hated food? I don't much like cooked carrots. Don't like peas.
89. Thing you hate most about yourself? Lack of motivation.
90. Have a secret you can't tell? I can't tell you. And no.
91. Last movie you saw at the theatre? The Producers. Yaay for the return of the movie musical! Dreamgirls and Sweeney Todd are next!
92. Can you sing? A little.
93. Last concert attended? Green Day. Fuckin' rocked.
94. Last movie rented? Bigger Than The Sky - Sarah rented it. The last one I rented...was discs 3 and 4 of Season 2 of The L Word. I believe.