SO scared.

Dec 12, 2007 01:59

I love The Boston Conservatory, although I think the promotional process is BULLSHIT.

That was HONESTLY the scariest thing I have ever been through in my life. I'm actually kind of mad about this whole thing. I find out my first set of results (the acting promotional) tomorrow morning (well this morning) at 9:30am. That meeting is with the one faculty member I worry does not like me. Scary as hell. I then wait until 1:30ish for my second phase of results for the singing promotional. That faculty member likes me, I think, but i'm still scared to death. For those of you who are not familiar with the BoCo, I will explain what I have been doing this past week.

Promotionals is a nice way of saying "The BoCo Cut Program" It is no secret that our class is too big. They WILL be cutting people. So, in order to weed out a few Sophomores, they put us through this huge fucking process called Promotionals.

There are 2 seperate parts to this process. The Acting portion, which includes two monologues, and The Singing portion which requires three songs.

My singing audition was in the Late afternoon on Monday. I walked into the smaller of the two BoCo Theatres to see the panel. This panel included 14 people. 14! They told us there would be There were 14 people spread out over the theater. Among these people were my two freshman musical theater teachers, my two sophomore musical theater teachers, and then many people I did not recognize. Obviously the head of the school was in there as well. I sang "I Only Have Eyes for You" "I Have Dreamed" and "The Streets of Dublin." That was that.  The one thing that bothered me the most was how cold these people were. Everybody has been talking about how cold that room was! and Im not talking about the actual temp. They treated us like they had never met us before. Which most had not...but come on. I pay a lot of money to go to this school. The least they could do is show a bit more kindness. I didn't get a great look at the teachers I actually knew, so maybe they were being kind...but I dont know. The whole thing left a really bad taste in my mouth.

This morning I had the acting part. I did my 2 pieces, which were Wallace from Women and Wallace by Jonathin Marc Sherman and Peter from Pitching to the Stars by Donald Margalies. This audition was interesting. I could not see a single person in the theater becuase they had the stage lights up very very bright. I was looking into a sea of darkness. I could make out a few bodies...but had no idea who was there. I know My freshman acting teacher was there, he seemed to be the only person over both days that I noticed being super nice to me. Ken was there, my sophomore acting teacher. I only know that becuase I heard him say "thank you" at the end. The head of the school was in there again because he fetched me from the lobby. I know Karen was in there, my voice and speech teacher (I only know that becuase I have my results meeting with her) I dunno. My pieces could have honestly gone better. I was very much in my head in both of them.  Probably very tense as well but damned if I know. I blocked the whole thing out.

The bottom line is that I'm terrified and hate waiting. I don't think i'm in danger of being cut...but waiting is so scary. I hate that the school puts us through this. It really shouldn't happen this way. Or at all.  I'll let you know what happens but as of now I can't sleep.
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