Oct 23, 2005 12:25
Ok, so this story will not be nearly as well told as adam's journal entry whenever he finally writes it...However....I'm going to try my best.
Yesterday I woke up after a really LONG FUN night at Adam's , and I got a shower, and I went to the caf for about an hour and a half because I didn't have ANYTHING to do all day long. I was sitting in the caf saying to people "waht am I going to do today? I have NOTHIGN to do"
I went back to my room, and put in a Chicago the movie, and laid in bed for alittle while. Mike misko came over for a little and was hypnotizing karen when I recieved a phone call from Adam.
"what are you doing for hte next 2 hours?"
He said Potential disaster. I thought he said pencil in disaster...so I said ok..but when he corrected me hef illed me in on what happened.
Turns out Mikey (his friend from NY that came to visit) Went to go get his train in Martinsburg and the train was goign to be four hours late...so for whatever reason, he needed to go to DC to catch the train. Adam needed a car and someone to drive him there by 5:20. I wasn't doing an ytihng and I thought "yeah, ok....we can do this." So we managed to acquire Marissa's car. I got in, picked up mikey and adam, we stopped at sheetz for gas, and we were on our way. The trip down wasn't all too bad until we got INTO DC. Actually, i lied. When we got off of 267 we some how managed to get lost, so we had to turn around and get back on 267...then we got into DC and we were so lost. We had to stop at a gas station and ask how to get to freaking Union Station. So finally....we get to the station at 6:15.....we left winchester at 3. Yeah.
We dropped mikey off, had some cat tasting chinese food, and adam and I got back in the car in attempts to get back to Winchester.
395. South.
Thats where we wanna go....then 495...south.
SOme how.....495 south west turned into north east. "Adam, we're goign over a draw bridge.....we shoudln't be going over a drawbridge..."
Welcome to Maryland. Adam...this isn't right.
First stop- Gas station "Oh yeah kids..You just wanna hop onto 95 south...follow that straight out and it will take you right into 66 and then to 81 and you'll be home in no time."
Thank you so much YOU IDIOT.
We get onto 95 south....and start driving thinking it's the right direction. Ps. we shoudl have been home by now.
So adam and I start to talking about life love and the pursuit of happiness.....and we see a road sign...."Richmond, 20".....
"Mallory, we're 20 miles from richmond."
Stop number 2. Lady in gas Station pointing at map "Ok...your right here...." and we both look at the map looking for winchester......hoping it's ilke..RIGHT above where we are.....no...take your figure up to the left...about a million miles. So she says, "Ok, you want to get back on 95, get off exit 133 onto route 17, and follow THAT to 66....here, buy an atlas." so we did. A BIG huge atlas.
Exit 133- We see a wendy's....we decide to stop. In front of wendy's is a road sign.
Winchester....................79 miles.
We drove ab out 72 miles out of our way.
Finally..we're on 81.....and adam and I are peeing our pants laughing because we put in the last five years and were re-writing the words of the songs to talk about the day...and i was peeing my pants.
I should probably mention that marissa's car was making some sort of odd rattling noise...but we said "just drive get us home."
Route 81- our exit......313.
Car breaks down at exit 309.3.
Heads hit head rest and we go "you have GOT to be kidding."
We called marissa, and her and jordan came to get us, and marissa stayed with her car till AAA came, and we went home. Rather I went to the hatch, and adam went home.
The hatch is a whole other story in itself.
I'm not going ANYWHERE TODAY except for ann to do my hair later today.