Jan 26, 2006 13:18
There's only us, there's only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss, no other road, no other way.....
I don't know if I can EVER say this enough- but my baby brother--- KICKS SOOO MAJOR A$$!!! He is about to break the record tonight with the number of career wins... I am soo proud of him!! He is my hero and my shining star!! I don't know what I would EVER do without him!! Love you babe!!!
Anyway- the BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING Jess Marie is coming home this weekend... I CaNnOt WaIt!!! I am soo EXCITED!! I miss her soo much... like, words couldn't even express!!! <33
Lyse Rene and I went shopping the other day and found her the PERFECT prom dress!! We win!! The first dress... once again, that she tries on, is the best for her!! SHE LOOKS GREAT IN IT!! I can't wait to see her on PROM!!! :-D I love you baby girl!! My sissy!! EVerything will just be perfect... --EVERYTHING will sort it's self out... and if it doesn't, that "everything" you and I will have to take care of... right?! ;-) <33
So what else has been up?! Hmm... spending time with Lyse, Leah, Delano, Andre, Casey... umm... possibly Bethuel, TOMORROW... Umm... who else... Sean, and then some others here and there....
With all the sincerity in my heart- I LOVE YA&&Miss You BethAnn, Mike, Matt, DJ, Kristen... so on and so forth... it has been weird going, ALMOST a month, without seeing you guys!! I hope that all has been well... things have been hectic here... but there is still no valid reason as to why I haven't really been talking to anyone... --SORRY-- Take care and hope to see you guys soon enough!!
Umm... I FiNaLlY for the first time in ALMOST 3 years, got to the cemetary to see my mommy!! I couldn't believe it... Now --EVERYTHING-- is complete... there is no void there, in my mind and on my heart... it all makes sense!! It all feels whole, and right!! It is soo PERFECT!! I sat back and realized SOOO much while I was there with her!! You know --some-- may sit here, reading this gonig "she's lost it... she can't do that... her mom's not here anymore.." *want to know something* yes, she is... always has been and always will be!! she is in my heart, and isn't going anywhere...
_CiNdY_ 8/12/60-5/17-95--
Everything I do, I do it for YOU, Mom!!
*AnYwAy- I am still single... and I don't know how I really feel about it... I like it, but I hate it... I enjoy it... but I feel lonely... it is really weird... there are some times where I wish I was single when I am with someone... and there are A LOT of times I wish I was with someone when I was single... it is funny... I try to shake it off and act as though it is nothing that is bothering me... but you know... there are only sooo many masks that you can find... BOYS are soo damn confusing... you know... there are 3 guys... it is TERRIBLE, I know, but yeah... I am trying to decide... it is REALLY hard... but I am trying to get around it... It's not working too well!! :-/ Oh well... me and my heart have to do some MAJOR adjustments soon!! And yeah... it will be hard... but it will be neccessary!!
Perhaps they are not *stars*
but rather openings in *HEAVEN*
WHere the *love* of our lost ones
*pours* down through
and *shines* upon us
To let us know they are *happy*
The date at this time is -UNKNOWN- to me, but from the rumors going around, RENT should be out SOON in the stores/video stores!! I am so0o0o EXCITED!!! I will watch it over and over again- More than likely against the ones who have advised me not to watch it *AlOnE*