(no subject)

Apr 27, 2011 13:00

As of May 1st, I'm opening up again for commissions. These spots will be for June or later.

Before commission, please make sure that you review my terms of service: http://feastofdreams.fatcow.com/terms.html

And here is some basic price info: http://feastofdreams.fatcow.com/mascotcommissions.html

I do art, jewelry, mascot pieces (heads, hands, arms, legs, feet, tails), full mascot style costumes, Cats style costume and individual pieces, hats/bags/other sewn work, leatherwork, hair work, straight sewing, sculpting, molding/casting, and makeup tutorials. I have a lot to offer! Please enjoy looking around, and I look forward to working with you.

You are welcome to contact me here, but all business will be conducted via email. katie.feastofdreams@gmail.com



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