This is a commissioned headdress for the character Beast from Beauty and the Beast (performed Spring 2009 at San Jose State University). This is a hat style headdress based on a baseball cap. The hat bill was shaved down to about half the original length so as not to shadow the actor's face too badly. The head (which I have named "Monster Hat") sits up top, and the long sparkly fabric comes around as a bit of a draped wrap/cowl.
This is my first attempt to do anything with taxidermy style eyes. I used acrylic half spheres and drew the eye design on paper which was then attached to the back of the half sphere. The eyes almost glow! (I also added a little gold paint in with the brown of the eye...they have a ton of depth that sadly, does not photograph well.)
More shots can be found here: Enjoy!
[shameless promotion] I have recently re-opened for commissions and have available spots in July of this year. For more info: [/shameless promotion]
*This is cross posted*