Duck Eggs!

Jun 01, 2008 19:38

I decided I want some ducks.  Since I can't find anywhere to buy fewer than 15 of the breed I want, I have borrowed an incubator and bought eggs on Ebay.  They arrived last week, and today is day 9 of incubation (they should hatch on day 28).  Candled them on Friday night, and could only see veins (an indication of a viable embryo) in 1 of the 6.  The others I couldn't tell much.  After 2 days of looking at candling pictures online I candled them again-3 had blood rings, which means they died early on, but the other 3 have veins.  Yippeeee!!!!  I cracked open the bad ones and it looks like the yolks were scrambled during shipping, which means it wasn't my fault!  So, if all goes well, in 19 more days we'll have 3 ducklings.  Of course, there's a lot than can go wrong in 19 days.  I am way more nervous about this venture than I was about my pregnancies.  I guess I figured that, being human, I would be able to grow little humans.  Growing little ducks is another matter.  At least it's quicker.
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